- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Glosario investigacion de mercados ATB (Above the line)*:

Enviado por   •  28 de Agosto de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  986 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  414 Visitas

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Nombre del alumno(a):

Adriana Janett calles Morales

Nombre del maestro(a):

Nora Margarita Ibarra Quevedo


Investigación de Mercados

Nombre del trabajo:



ATB (Above the line)*: All the activities in which the Agency perceive a Commission of the media by the insertion of ads. This is advertising made in media mass.

Benchmarking*: Methodology that promotes the incorporation in companies of practices and successful methods, no matter where are. Encouraged to be creative by copying strategy, products and processes applied in other areas, not necessarily similar to the enterprise that implements them.

Brainstorming*: Method to generate ideas. Consists of a group of people meeting each member presented solutions on the topic of analysis, so spontaneous and uninhibited, without undergoing any criticism from other attendees.

Channels of distribution: are the roads that follow a product from the producer to the consumer.  

Client: Person who uses the services of a professional or a company, especially that makes it regularly.

Information system: it is a permanent and interactive structure composed of people, equipment and procedures, whose purpose is to collect, classify, analyse, evaluate and distribute relevant, timely and accurate information that will serve those who make marketing decisions to improve the planning, implementation and control.

Market research: is design, collection, analysis and communication systematic data and findings relevant to a specific situation of marketing that the company is facing.

Marketing: it is a total system of activities that includes a set of processes through which existing on the market desires or needs are identified to satisfy them in the best possible way to promote the exchange of products and/or services of value to customers, in Exchange for a utility or benefit.

Price fixing*: Agreement between two or more companies on the price charged for a product.

Price: it is the monetary value assigned to it to something. All products and services offered on the market have a price, which is the money that must pay the buyer or customer to finalize the operation.

Product: it is an eligible, viable option and repeatable which offer puts to disposition of the complaint, to meet a need or meet a desire through their use or consumption.

Promotion: it is the element of the marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade, and remind the market about a product and its sale, with the hope of influencing the feelings, beliefs or behavior of the recipient or recipient.

Service: Service is a set of activities that seek to satisfy the needs of a client. Those services include a diversity of activities performed by a great number of people (officials, employees, entrepreneurs) that work for the State (services public) or to companies private.

Square: Is understood as square physical location or geographic area where is to distribute, promote and sell a product or service, which is formed by a distributive chain by which these become the consumer, i.e., from the manufacturer to the different types of establishments where it can be purchased.

Strategic Alliance*: Cooperative agreement between companies of medium and long term business.

ATB (Above the line)*: Todas las actividades en las que la agencia perciben una comisión de los medios por la inserción de los anuncios. Esto es publicidad hecha en medios masivos.

Benchmarking*: Metodología que promueve la incorporación en las empresas de prácticas y métodos exitosos, no importa donde estén. Incita a ser creativos mediante la copia de estrategia, productos y procesos aplicados en otras áreas, no necesariamente similares a la de la empresa que los implanta.


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