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Wild Pokémon Recall that no shaking grass will appear until after the first badge has been obtained!

'Special' refers to the rare spots. Doubles refers to tall grass where double battles can occur. Unless otherwise stated, fishing encounters have not been edited.

Thanks go to for the images.

You won’t be able to get all 649 in the wild alone, but evolution will make it possible! You get enough evolution stones during the course of the game for everybody, so don’t fret.

Note that there are several sections with a “Legendary Encounter.” The legendary is a normal Wild Pokémon, just very rare. Obviously the total encounter chance can’t be 101-102%, but the Pokemon whose chance is lessened as a result is not listed. Usually, it’s just the last one in the list, so a 10% might become an 8%, a 5% might become a 4% etcetera. Although it’s somewhat untidy, this is the best method that can be done for now, due to scripting being impossible as of August 2011.

There are a couple of differences between Blaze Black and Volt White. Namely, Blaze Black will find Zekrom, Thundurus and the pink Shellos/Gastrodon wild, as well as Red Basculin only. Volt White instead get Reshiram, Tornadus and the blue Shellos/ Gastrodon wild, and Blue Basculin only. The opposites of each legendary are catchable as per usual in their regular places.

Route 1

Grass, Normal: Lillipup (20%), Pidgey (20%), Bidoof (10%), Sentret (10%), Rattata (10%), Zigzagoon (10%), Starly (10%), Hoothoot (10%) Grass, Doubles: Herdier (20%), Watchog (20%), Bibarel (10%), Furret (10%), Raticate (10%), Linoone (10%), Mightyena (5%), Pidgeotto (5%), Staravia (5%), Noctowl (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Happiny (10%), Azurill (10%) Surf, Normal: Basculin (60%), Marill (30%), Feebas (10%) Surf, Special: Basculin (60%), Azumarill (30%), Feebas (10%) Fish, Normal: Goldeen (60%), Magikarp (30%), Feebas (10%) Fish, Special: Basculin (60%), Dratini (30%), Gyarados (5%), Milotic (5%) =================================================== ===============

Route 2

Grass, Normal: Purrloin (20%), Patrat (20%), Kricketot (10%), Caterpie (10%), Wurmple (10%), Weedle (10%), Poochyena (5%), Meowth (5%), Spearow (5%), Mankey (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (60%), Skitty (10%), Nincada (10%), Butterfree (5%), Beedrill (5%), Beautifly (5%), Dustox (5%) =================================================== =============== Striaton City

Surf, Normal: Marill (100%) Surf, Special: Azumarill (100%) Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Staryu (10%) Fish, Special: Basculin (60%), Staryu (40%) =================================================== =============== Dreamyard

Grass, Normal: Munna (20%), Drowzee (20%), Spinda (10%), Natu (10%), Venonat (10%), Ralts (10%), Clefairy (5%), Jigglypuff (5%), Nidoran♂ (5%), Nidoran♀ (5%) Grass, Doubles: Munna (20%), Hypno (20%), Clefairy (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Xatu (10%), Venomoth (10%), Kirlia (10%), Spinda (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Togepi (20%), Cleffa (10%), Igglybuff (10%), Chingling (10%), Lunatone (5%), Solrock (5%)


Jirachi, Level 30 Dreamyard Grass, Special, 1% * Dreams and wishes often coincide, and as a result the Wishmaker Jirachi is attracted to the Dreamyard. You might be lucky enough to find him early on your journey, but don’t undestimate its power!


Musharna, Level 70 Dreamyard Basement =================================================== =============== Route 3

Grass, Normal: Mareep (20%), Taillow (20%), Shellos (10%), Sunkern (10%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (5%), Phanpy (5%) Grass, Doubles: Blitzle (20%), Pidove (20%), Growlithe (10%), Vulpix (10%), Hoppip (10%), Budew (10%), Marill (5%), Houndour (5%), Volbeat (4%), Illumise (4%), Lombre (1%), Nuzleaf (1%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Oshawott (10%), Squirtle (5%), Totodile (5%), Mudkip (5%), Piplup (5%) Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (60%), Psyduck (30%), Marill (10%) Surf, Special: Golduck (60%), Azumarill (30%), Slowbro (5%), Slowking (5%) Fish, Normal: Poliwag (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Chinchou (5%), Remoraid (5%) Fish, Special: Chinchou (60%), Qwilfish (30%), Remoraid (10%) =================================================== =============== Wellspring Cave 1F

1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Zubat (20%), Geodude (10%), Roggenrola (10%), Aron (10%), Whismur (10%), Wooper (5%), Bronzor (5%), Axew (5%), Teddiursa (5%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (40%), Diglett (40%), Gible (20%) Surf, Normal: Wooper (60%), Shellos (40%) Surf, Special: Quagsire (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (60%), Tentacool (30%), Shellder (10%) Fish, Special: Shellder (100%)

B1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Golbat (20%), Graveler (10%), Boldore (10%), Lairon (10%), Steelix (10%), Loudred (10%), Quagsire (10%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)

Surf, Normal: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Whiscash (100%) Fish, Special: Cloyster (100%) =================================================== =============== Pinwheel Forest

Outside Grass, Normal: Tympole (20%), Timburr (20%), Meditite (10%), Spinarak (10%), Ledyba (10%), Machop (10%), Makuhita (10%), Croagunk (5%), Slakoth (5%) Grass, Doubles: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Dunsparce (10%), Doduo (10%), Snubbull (10%), Aipom (10%), Cubone (9%), Burmy (9%), Heracross (2%) Grass, Special: Audino (50%), Tepig (10%), Tyrogue (10%), Riolu (10%), Charmander (5%), Cyndaquil (5%), Torchic (5%), Chimchar (5%)

Inside Grass, Normal: Cottonee (20%), Petilil (20%), Sewaddle (10%), Venipede (10%), Oddish (10%), Bellsprout (10%), Shroomish (5%), Exeggcute (5%), Murkrow (5%), Misdreavus (5%) Grass, Doubles: Tangela (20%), Roselia (20%), Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%), Gloom (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Carnivine (5%), Scyther (5%), Pinsir (5%), Vigoroth (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Snivy (10%), Pansage (10%), Panpour (10%), Pansear (10%), Bulbasaur (5%), Chikorita (5%), Treecko (5%), Turtwig (5%) Surf, Normal: Surskit (100%) Surf, Special: Masquerain (100%) Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Poliwag (40%) Fish, Special: Poliwhirl (95%), Politoed (5%)


Virizion. Level 56 Rumination Field =================================================== ===============

Liberty Garden


Victini, Level 20 Liberty Tower Basement

There are no Wild Pokemon in here as usual, but this is the only place to catch Victini. It is currently impossible to give the ticket in-game and have it work fully.

You will need your .sav file. If you are using a flashcard such as an R4 or an Acekard, then it is likely to be readily available; you will just need to utilize your .sav file. Those of you using DeSmuME will have to use the Export Backup Memory found in the File drop-down, which will export your .dsv as a .sav. Finally, no$gba users will have to use the savegames converter to change the .sav in their BATTERY folder into a regular .sav.


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