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Mandela the video

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¨Mandela¨ the video.

Mandela , Nelson (1918 -2013) , South African politician , for over 25 years was the world's most famous political prisoner , and in April 1994 became the first black president of South Africa . He studied at Fort Hare College, where he became acquainted with politics and he met Oliver Tambo his very first Bro in the area. He will always be remember as He will be remembered as one of the world leaders that marked a before and after in the country thanks to the struggle against apartheid (system imposed by the South African government to separate white and black races)

Their first political activities began In 1944 , together with Sisulu , Tambo and Anton Lembede their friends , they were founding members of the youth wing of the African National Congress (ANC , its acronym in English ) . It became the national secretary of this organization in 1948., during the course of the so-called ` Campaign Challenge. Therefore advocated joint action against the government policy of apartheid. At this time , it was already national president of the youth wing of the ANC and, Tambo , had founded the first law firm run by blacks in South Africa . In December 1952 , he was arrested under the Suppression of Communism Act ( Suppression of Communism Act ) . Although his nine-month sentence was put on hold , was forbidden to attend meetings or leave the district of Johannesburg . This prohibition was renewed repeatedly over the next nine years . Despite this prohibition, he continued to work with the leaders of the ANC. In December 1956 he was, along with 156 other people, tried for treason . The trial lasted until 1961 and ended with the acquittal of all charges. After the Sharpeville massacre , in which 69 black citizens were killed by the South African security forces during a demonstration against apartheid were banned ANC and Pan Africanist Congress (PAC ) . In March 1961 , in order to avoid arrest and a new prohibition, Mandela went underground and, with Sisulu , secretly ran the country to organize a three-day strike .

Mandela in prison

In June 1961 , the ANC leadership decided to launch an armed struggle and created the UmkhontoweSize ( ` The Spear of the Nation ), the armed wing of the ANC , with Mandela as the leader . In January 1962 , he left South Africa and went to the Pan-African Conference in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia ) , and later traveled to Algeria , where he trained for guerrilla warfare a very strange training consisting in hopping on one leg or either two legs , and finally to London , the city where he met with leaders of opposition in exile. He returned home in July of that year and was arrested on August 5 on charges of rebellion and leaving the country illegally , so he was sentenced to five years in prison . While in jail , the police searched the ANC headquarters in Rivonia . Most of the leading members of this organization were arrested , plus various documents


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