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Consumer Decision

Enviado por   •  14 de Septiembre de 2013  •  248 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  300 Visitas

Consumer decision making

Decision making process

Is the process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives.

There are 5 stages which a consumer often can take when he or she is around their purchase. These stages exist because of normal human psychology.

These 5 stages are:

• Problem/Need Recognition- This is the first stage in which the consumer recognizes that what essentially is the problem or needing and so, the consumer can identify the product or kind of product which would be required by the consumer.

• Information Search- Consumer searches about the product which would satisfy that needing (recognized in the previous stage)

• Evaluation of Alternatives - Consumer evaluates different alternatives comes across, when consumer search for information. Consumer use to search in the information quite few products and then consumer has to evaluate and understand which product would be properly suited for the consumer.

• Purchase-After the consumer has evaluated all the options and has the intention to buy a product; there could be now only two things which could just change consumer’s decision to buy the product that is what the other consumer companion thinks of the product and any unforeseen circumstances.

• Post Purchase Behavior-After the purchase consumer might just go through post purchase dissonance in which the consumer feels that buying the other product would be better. But a company should really take care of it, taking care of post purchase dissonance doesn't only promote good words for the product but also increases the chance of frequent repurchase


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