- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Copia de documento que acredite la propiedad (escrituras, arrendamiento o comodato)

Enviado por   •  28 de Octubre de 2017  •  Resumen  •  1.096 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  207 Visitas

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Formato  único de licencia de funcionamiento mercantil.

  1. Requisitos - Llenado  del formato único  

  1. Factibilidad de uso de suelo permitida
  2. Copia del INE
  3. Copia del Alta de Hacienda (especificando actividad comercial)
  4. Copia de documento que acredite la propiedad (escrituras, arrendamiento o comodato)
  5. Para personas morales anexar acta constitutiva y poder donde se mencione al representante legal
  6. En caso de que el giro del negocio lo requiera se solicita alta de salud y certificado de fumigación

Monto de los derechos:

  1. Dependiendo del giro del negocio
    Giro desregulado:         $567.60        
  2. Giro con inspección de salud:        $841.28
  3. Giro con inspección de protección civil:         $847.34
  4. Giro con inspección de ecología:        $884.71
  5. Giro con inspección protección civil y salud:         $1,121.02
  6. Giro con inspección de ecología y salud:         $1,158.39
  7. Giro con todas las inspecciones:         $1,438.13


Certificate of fumigation (date delivery time not more than 3 months, and 1 month that sold bulk products)

Article 41 Health Regulation of Torreón

Article 41;  All establishments engaged in the sale, processing, conservation, transport or marketing of products for human consumption must have  with the notice of corresponding opening, given by health jurisdiction No. 6. In addition, they must have with a certificate of Control of pest, with a frequency of at least every six months, carried out by a service provider backed by a certificate authorized by the Secretariat of Health.


Register of Secretary Of Health

Article 41 Health Regulation of Torreón

( Up )


Comprehensive health package of the kitchen staff

Article 34 and 37 regulation health city of Torreon

Article 34;  The city, through the Directorate of health, in collaboration and coordination with the State health secretariat, through the health jurisdiction  No. 6, will participate in the implementation of verification and sanitary control of the establishments that sell or supply to the public, food and beverages  alcoholic and non-alcoholic, in natural, mixed, State prepared, added or conditioned, for consumption inside and outside the same establishment  According to the established by the Norma Oficial Mexicana SSA-1-093-1994 and other applicable.

Article 37; Sellers, renters and people whose activity is linked to the sale of products for human consumption, are required to maintain, in all  time, the conditions hygiene of their person, their premises and work utensils, to comply with its functions, using Locket,  Light-colored apron and refrain from handling the money and the final product  for human consumption simultaneously.



093 SSA1 1994

Bathrooms: Sanitary for men and other for women with their respective washbasins, if the number of users is greater than 50, it should increase an excused and a washbasin  for every 30 places but, in the case  of the men's toilets  should increase Also a  Urinal standard


Hygiene and general cleanliness in the local

Article 37  of health regulation of Torreón

Article 37; Sellers, renters and people whose activity is linked to the sale of products for human consumption, are required to maintain, in all  time, the conditions hygiene of their person, their premises and work utensils, to comply with its functions, using Locket,  Light-colored apron and refrain from handling the money and the final product  for human consumption simultaneously.


Have drinking water

Article 76, 79 and 80 of health  regulation of Torreón

Article 76;  The Health Directorate, through the municipal inspectors, will monitor the  Health and safety and hygiene conditions of these premises, which are to have  clean bathrooms connected to the drainage and drinking water network, hand soap, towels Clean,  Toilet paper, certificate of Fumigation in force and in general maintain all the facilities in  high conditions of hygiene and safety.

Article 80; Article 80. The Directorate of Health, through the inspectors-in-Office, shall monitor the  establishments referred to in this chapter with the conditions of safety and hygiene,  established in article 76 of this Regulation, in other provisions applicable legal and  corresponding technical standards.  


Hood with extractor

Article 29 FRACC. (I) Subparagraph (C)



Wall covering in stove; Tile or  Enamel paint.

Article 39 of Health Regulation of Torreón

The cold rooms, used for human consumption products, must not contain carcases or remains of animals that have not been slaughtered in authorized traces, to comply with:
 I. Hygiene in floors, ceilings and walls.

II. Functional thermometer.

III. Inner plate of safety and artificial light.

IV. Non-toxic paint in good condition.

V. Shelves or shelves to prevent the product from touching the floor.

Without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions, to which it fails to comply with the  established by this article, shall be punished with fine of up to 150 minimum wages  in force in the geographical area corresponding to the city of Torreón, on the day of the breach.


Fat trap

Article 35 of Health Regulation and  art. 29 subsection I


Article 35;  The establishments referred to in article 33 and 34 of this regulation and which  generate liquid waste, must be filtered with a grease trap for liquids, before  pouring them into the general drainage network.  Without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions, to which it fails to comply with the  established by this article, a fine of up to 100 minimum wages  in force in the geographical area corresponding to the city of Torreón, on the day of the breach.


Refrigerators at  temperature suitable for the product you dispense

Article 38 FRACC. I. II, III, IV NOM 093


Foods or beverages susceptible to decomposition must be in the

cold net, in order to guarantee that their consumption does not generate a health risk,


I. Dairy products and their derivatives must be kept in Refrigeration between two and

four degrees Celsius.

II. Chickens and other poultry should not be displayed outside of display cabinets or refrigerators and

should be kept at a temperature not greater than six degrees Celsius.

III. Meat products must be kept in refrigeration at a temperature not

greater than eight degrees Celsius.

IV. Fish and shellfish may be exhibited for sale on frappe or crushed ice,

as long as the ice is greater than 80% of the volume occupied by the product with

relation to the container.





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