Enviado por Andre21097 • 28 de Septiembre de 2015 • Tarea • 540 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 118 Visitas
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- What are the advanced economies?
- What are the emerging markets and developing economies?
- How are natural resources as petroleum, wind, land, water, and the sun important for the economy of a country?
- How important is agriculture for the economy of a country?
- What are the differences of the human and physical capital between an advanced economy and a developing country?
- What is the situation of the personal distribution of income in the world economy?
- Investigation
- Write a complete list of countries with advanced economies.
- Write a complete list of countries with developing economies.
- Write a classification of the best 20 economies in the world.
- Write a classification of the 20 poorest economies in the world.
- Questionnaire
- The basic idea is that economies naturally progress through a series of stages based on what their people are doing to generate value to the economy, and the amount of value thus produced. The advanced economies are the richest 29 countries or areas in the world.
- Emerging market economies are the 28 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. Developing economies are the 118 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America that have not yet achieved high average incomes for their people.
- They are so important, because they are the support of economy of most country. The petroleum is so important that great nations are fighting for it, the petroleum produces different kind of benefits to a country such as energy and money and it so value that does countries who get it are blessed.
- Agriculture is much a larger part of the developing economies. In India, it is 23 percent of total production, and in Brazil, it is 10 percent. On the average across all the developing economies, agriculture is about 14 percent of total production
- The quality of labor depends on human capital. The proportion of the population with a college or university degree is tiny in developing economies compared from the advanced economies.
- According to the World Bank data, the lowest-paid 20 percent of the world’s population receives 2 percent of world income, and the highest-paid 20percent receives about 70 percent of world income.
- Investigation
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Afghanistan | Guatemala | Pakistan |
Albania | Guinea | Palau |
Algeria | Guinea-Bisau | Panama |
Angola | Guyana | Papua New Guinea |
Argentina | Haiti | Paraguay |
Armenia | Honduras | Peru |
Azerbaijan | India | Philippines |
Bangladesh | Indonesia | Romania |
Belarus | Iran, Islamic Rep. | Rwanda |
Belize | Iraq | Samoa |
Benin | Jamaica | São Tomé and Principe |
Bhutan | Jordan | Senegal |
Bolivia | Kazakhstan | Serbia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kenya | Seychelles (Transitional) |
Botswana | Kiribati | Sierra Leone |
Brazil | Korea, Dem Rep. | Solomon Islands |
Bulgaria | Kosovo | Somalia |
Burkina Faso | Kyrgyz Republic | South Africa |
Burundi | Lao PDR | South Sudan |
Cabo Verde | Lebanon | Sri Lanka |
Cambodia | Lesotho | St. Lucia |
Cameroon | Liberia | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Central African Republic | Libya | Sudan |
Chad | Macedonia, FYR | Suriname |
China | Madagascar | Swaziland |
Colombia | Malawi | Syrian Arab Republic |
Comoros | Malaysia | Tajikistan |
Congo, Dem. Rep | Maldives | Tanzania |
Congo, Rep. | Mali | Thailand |
Costa Rica | Marshall Islands | Timor-Leste |
Côte d'Ivoire | Mauritania | Togo |
Cuba | Mauritius | Tonga |
Djibouti | Mayotte | Tunisia |
Dominica | Mexico | Turkey |
Dominican Republic | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Turkmenistan |
Ecuador | Moldova | Tuvalu |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Mongolia | Uganda |
El Salvador | Montenegro | Ukraine |
Eritrea | Morocco | Uzbekistan |
Ethiopia | Mozambique | Vanuatu |
Fiji | Myanmar | Vietnam |
Gabon | Namibia | Palestine, State of |
Gambia, The | Nepal | Yemen, Rep. |
Georgia | Nicaragua | Zambia |
Ghana | Niger | Zimbabwe |
Grenada | Nigeria |