Economic Alliance
Enviado por Alejandropoptart • 18 de Enero de 2015 • 311 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 151 Visitas
The trade liberalization process initiated by the Government of Honduras since the seventies has accelerated in recent years, culminating in the enactment of CAFTA. These processes create various opportunities that should be known by the exporter to take advantage of them.As with most Latin American countries, Honduras's economy is closely tied to the United States. The United States is Honduras's primary trading partner and the source of about two-thirds of the country's foreign direct investment. United States multinationals Dole Food Company and Chiquita control a large portion of Honduras's agricultural exports.
1. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Consists of a regional or bilateral trade agreement to expand the market for goods and services between the participating countries: USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, etc. It basically involves the elimination or substantial reduction of tariffs for goods between the parties, and agreements on services. This agreement is governed by the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) or by mutual agreement between the participating countries.
2. Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR)A regional trade agreement signed in 2004, which establishes bilateral, preferential trade conditions between the signatories (US, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic ,and El Salvador).The CAFTA-DR constitutes the first free trade agreement between the United States and a small group of developing countries. It was created with the purpose of creating new and better economic opportunities by opening markets, eliminating tariffs, reducing barriers to services, and more.
3. Rainforest Alliance A non-governmental organization (NGO) working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.Presently ,Honduras participates alongside the Rainforest Alliance for the exporting of agricultural goods to the United States.