- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Marketing Strategy

Enviado por   •  23 de Abril de 2014  •  693 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  501 Visitas

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1. Identify the problems confronting McDonald's U.K. and list them from the most to the least critical. For each problem identified, explain your reasoning.

• Negative Images & Impressions from Media, Documentary, Press and others: Negative news and documentaries showing the lack of health in their menu is affecting negatively their image.

• Health Issue: The World Health Organization is creating conscious about the effects of obesity in global health and economic development, Mcdonald’s fast food lacks of health quality standards and their soft drinks, French fries, high sugar and highly oiled snacks are the main reason for overweight and obesity.

• Layout, Design: According to the case study, it is observed that Starbucks has made McDonald’s restaurants look sterile and out of date. The McDonald’s restaurant design of yellow, white, and red colors with plastic furniture has made people feel boring and dry. Due to the trends, consumers need something different and new that can refresh them.

• Service Standard Decreases: Mcdonald’s also faces problems with the service provided by their staff and employees. Their customer service performance is going down and by consequence affecting their sales.

• Competition: Although McDonald’s is the clear leader of the fast food industry in terms of revenues generated and restaurants established, they still faces competition from other fast food chains, such as Burger King Corporation, Wendy’s International, Carl’s Junior, Yo! Sushi, Jack in the Box Inc, etc.

2. Some problems you identified in Question 1 may require a "quick fix" in the short run, while others may require a major shift in company strategy. Assuming that you cannot focus on all the problems at once, suggest the order in which the issues should be addressed and suggest an approach to solving each problem.

• Quality of food: McDonald’s is a very famous and delicious fast food restaurant, recognized by their high standard and quality of their food. However, according to the case study, most of the problems that occur are because of their menu tends to be unhealthy and doesn’t provide many healthy choices. One recommendation could be to add in more choices and options for their salads and their dressings, more organic food and drinks.

• Services: According to the case study, McDonald’s services have been slipping; becoming inefficient and inconsistent, so as their cleanliness. Therefore, as a result of a bad service, customers will start looking for other options, which lastly affects the business. It is important to develop high qualified human resources by providing training for their employees.

• Design and Layout: It has showed that the design and layout in McDonald’s has becoming boring, dry and out to date. However, McDonald’s is trying to get into the trend by redecorate and refurbish their


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