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Market Strategies “Burger King”

Enviado por   •  10 de Septiembre de 2013  •  1.536 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  362 Visitas

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Market Strategies

“Burger King”

a. Name of the selected company: Burger King

b. Vision, Values and Mission of the company.

Vision: Burger King vision is to delight its customers with the best hamburgers all over the market.

Mission: Burger King mission is to be the best hamburger restaurant chain in the world, about the customer service and profit per restaurant.


● Give an excellent service with a nice and quick treatment to our customers.

● To offer quality products

● Maintain our installations clean

● Train the employee

● Commitment With people who work in Burger King.

● Commitment With the community living around us,

● Commitment to child nutrition.

● Commitment With The quality and fresh in all our ingredients.

● Committed to efficiency, quality, freshness and cleanliness in the manufacture of our products.

● Customer satisfaction in the product offered in each of its branches.

● The increase in product revenue and customer satisfaction.

● Serve them quickly and correctly, high quality product, at an unbeatable price.

● Use standard preparation procedures and equipment well maintained to provide quality finished products.

● Restaurants to provide customer service staff well-trained, with the enthusiasm and treat everyone with courtesy.

c. Identify three objectives for the company. Must be measurable, quantifiable and time.

● Increase Burger King market participation in a 10 percent, for the next year, in relation with the 2012 participation, by the use of new technologies.

● Revenue growth in a 5 percent in the next year as a result of Burger King's customers satisfaction with its quality products and serve.

● Increase the use of advertising by 8% as a way of become a leader in the fast food restaurants

● Reach 100% accuracy on all orders.

● Achieve to serve the order in 3 minutes or less.

● Getting a global brand image worldwide.

d. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses that the company has.


Availability and staff training.

Quality products.

They have several branches in the country, operates 12,200 locations serving over 11 million customers a day in 76 countries around the world.

Innovate to deliver new products on their menu.

They have great deals at good prices.

Fast customer service.

Delivery of order to your table.

Trully grilled meat.

More variety of desserts.

Offer high hygiene in their facilities.

They have Wi-Fi.


The fast food category is expanding so they have more competition.

High turnover.

Space is somewhat reduced in some restaurants.

The flavor of the ice cream and apple pies are not liked by the general public.

The staff is abused and underpaid.

There isn’t enough television advertising.

e. Analysis of opportunities and threats presented by the company, relating to each of the selected news. Indicate how each of the news will affect the company, either opportunity or threat.


Keeping pace with growth of franchises.

Leading the market with new technologies that their competition does not have.

Use the television media to advertise.

Expand service hours.

Expand their healthy food menu.

Burger King earns 150% more spending cuts: this news is an opportunity for Burger King, because it says that they cut their costs by reducing its local group in the United States and Canada, earning $ 35.8 million (10 cents per share), compared to 14.3 million (4 cents) accumulated net profit from January to March 2012. This will allowing them to provide better service and quality to its different franchises worldwide, increasing the satisfaction of its various customers and keeping its current position.

Burger King profits up 31%: the news about increasing profits at Burger King, is an opportunity that the burger chain has, because despite they having sold 305 restaurants to franchisees, Burger King Worldwide Inc reported a larger-than-expected quarterly profit. This will allow them to provide better service and return on investment to their franchisors and get greater gain in the royalties that they charged, allowing them to grow as a franchise in spite of pessimistic reports that analysts give.


Competences of transnational corporations such as McDonalds or Carl's Junior.

Changes of government.

Change in the taste of people.

Reduced quality products.

Employees rebel against abuse.

Pot Pipe Found in Kid’s Burger King Meal: this event will have a negative effect on Burger King, as the costumers will put into question the preparation and ingredients of food and the authenticity of their good condition, which could result in fines and inspections (food and employees) to all the restaurants in the USA, adding the damage his image will have.

f. Identify three strategies that should implement the director of the company to achieve its objectives, considering the opportunities and / or threats just identified.

1. Through the use of new technologies that the company has, they have to apply and customize each process area in every restaurant in order to streamline inventory processes, receiving the merchandise, preparation and delivery of


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