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Nafta Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales.

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.[pic 1][pic 2]

Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración.

Licenciado en Negocios Internacionales.


13 Septiembre 2016.

Free Trade Agreements (FTA)

Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC)

There are 12 free trade agreements in Mexico, these agreements allow trade increase of national products, generate more employment, improve the welfare of the population and promote the creation of new businesses.

These agreements are made between two or more countries.

Let´s start by mentioning the treaties, the names, the countries that are members, date of signature, entry into force, some main aspects and the benefit they give to Mexico, the we shall see the agreements.

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN)

The members of this treaty are Mexico, United States and Canada.

The date of the signature of this treaty is December 17, 1992.

The entry into force was January 1st, 1994.

  • Since it came into force levels of trade and investment in the three nations have increased, generating a strong and steady economic growth, creating new jobs and a wider variety of services and consumer goods at better prices.
  • One of its main objectives is: Form a Free Trade Area, establishing clear rules and permanent for trade, allowing the increase trade flow and investment, as well as new opportunities employment and better living standards.
  • NAFTA has lowered costs and expanded choices of consumers in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The tariff reduction benefits families, who pay less for the products they buy.
  • Eliminate barriers to trade and facilitate the movement of goods and services.
  • Strengthen the domestic industry through a strong export sector and competitive.

How this treaty benefits Mexico?

Mexico became a major supplier to the United States, benefiting from access to the world's largest market.

Mexico has become important destination and numerous foreign investments.

The productivity of manufacturing workers has increased.

In my opinion I think that this treaty it is one of the most important, because Mexico has won a lot of benefits.

Tratado de Libre Comercio del Grupo de los Tres (G-3)

The members of this treaty are Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela.

The date of the signature of this treaty is June 13, 1994.

The entry into force was January 1st, 1995.

  • One of its main objectives is: Create a free space restriction, overriding the free flow of goods, free competition, technical standards, quality products and continued economic growth, and expand the trade and economic links between the signatory countries.
  • The G-3 provides opportunities to increase mutual trade diversify exports and benefit from the agreement.
  • Differences in the development and efficiency of economic sectors in member countries.
  • The products ranging from Colombia to Mexico now receive a discount on the tariff of 28% and those who come now have a 12% discount.
  • The lack of sectoral studies leading to imbalances in production conditions by lower costs of raw materials to Mexico.

How this treaty benefits Mexico?

Venezuela is not more one of the members of this treaty, because of this Mexico and Colombia increased their commerce, this free trade agreement greatly benefits Mexico by the level of economic, technological and industrial development that has over Colombia.

Free Trade Agreement Mexico - Costa Rica.

Tratado de Libre Comercio México – Costa Rica.

The members of this treaty are Mexico and Costa Rica.

The date of signature of this treaty is April 5, 1994.

The entry into force was January 1st, 1995.

  • One of its main objectives is: Create a Free Trade Area promoting the integration process local and continental.
  • Protection and enforcement, properly and effectively, rights intellectual property.
  • Create a more extensive and safe for goods produced and services provided in their territories.
  • Create effective procedures for the implementation and enforcement of treaty, its joint administration and dispute resolution.
  • Substantially increase investment opportunities.

How this treaty benefits Mexico?

Mexico has become the third largest supplier of Costa Rica.

Imports from the Aztec nation, the dominate medicines, televisions, paper or plastic coated paperboard and electrical conductors.

Free Trade Agreement Mexico – Bolivia.

Tratado de Libre Comercio México – Bolivia.

The members of this treaty are Mexico and Bolivia.

The date of signature of this treaty is September 10, 1994.

The entry into force was January 1st, 1995.

  • Establish a Free Trade Area with clear rules and transparent mutual benefit in trade and investment.
  • Nondiscriminatory treatment and prohibition of raising the current fee and adopt new.
  • Contemplation of all services trade, except government, airline, commercial and financial, granting national treatment and treatment no less favorable to third countries.
  • The main products exported are processing units data cables and synthetic filaments, synthetic fibers, cotton, bottles and plastic containers, tubes and hollow profiles, styrene polymers, terephthalate, coated or laminated iron steel, machines mounted lamps, among others.
  • Treaty which provides certainty to the economic sectors, allowing promote trade in goods and services in conditions of fair competition and facilitating investment flows. From its validity they were free of Tariff 97% of Mexican exports.

How this treaty benefits Mexico?


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