- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Organization and Level Heading Activity

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Escuela y Preparatoria Técnica Médica

Semester January – June 2015


Stage 3

Organization and Level Heading Activity


Group: 207

Students Information

20 / April / 2015



Activity ……………………………………………………………………………..2




In this activity we will show you how to move Karel the Robot in different ways. The book shows us a basic way to give instructions to Karel the Robot, but as the teacher said and recommends us, we could use “iterate” and that’s what we are going to do.

Here we will recognize the ideas about the working environment of Karel, though the navigation in its World, by the streets and the avenues. We will articulate and identify similarities and differences among the different sections; so we could deduct the actions that Karel will perform. Also, we could find some errors and correct them to make Karel win the race.  


1. Open Karel the Robot and maximize the window.

2. And here is the ,aim character,Karel, it can move on any direction.By default,each time you initialize the program, it always is oriented towards North.

3. Observe that the section or tab Word is activated. Here is in the section where you can design the special place for Karel with waññs and beepers, elements that you will use later, also to be able to place the amount of beepers that you desire in its bag, locate the cursor and orient Karel in the beginning of its task.

4. Now, change the orientation of Karel, place the mouse in the button Orientation and click on east. Observe now that Karel is oriented towards East(to the right) .You can change the orientation of Karel is, when it is in its initial position, only to the East or North, and if it has advanced(moved), out of the avenue 1, street1, then you can change the orientation to any Cardinal Point.

5. To give a series of instruction so Karel start working it is used the section Program, clic on this tab to open its content.

6. Now is shown in the screen a series of instruction.These are the beginning and ending of the program, besides containing one zone where you can write the instructions of your program. Also take into account that each instruction contain certain elements such as {}, ().

7. Surelyyou have seen, that for th World Section and the Program Section, there are the buttons New, Open, Save, Save as, and Print and exclusively in the Program section there are also the buttins, Cut, Copy and Paste.

8. To start working with the bascis commands, first analyze the following problem:

Karel is in a race competition of 100 m. Do a program that permits Karel 9to 9advance 100m. in a determined time


• Karel start in the coordinate (0,0) and oriented to the East.

• Each block measures 10 m.

• Karel will move always next to the right, always in the 1 Street.

• The race finishes when it arrives to the 10 Avenue.

9. Let us start writing the program. Add the instruction move, as it is indicated:

It is included the instruction move, which indicates Karel to advance one square in the direction that is that moment. In order that it executes the command, it is necessary first to ¨compile¨ the program,


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