Persona Fisica Y Moral
Enviado por Fernanda2107 • 10 de Abril de 2015 • 385 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 178 Visitas
Personalidad Jurídica.- (LEGAL PERSONALITY)
Desde que nace cualquier persona física tiene personalidad jurídica y se extingue hasta su muerte.
Aptitud de tener derechos y obligaciones desde cuando estas concebido esta respaldado por la protección de la ley.
The legal personality of individuals is acquired by birth and los by death.
Capacidad Legal..- (LEGAL CAPACITY)
Cuando haces uso de esos derechos.
Natural and Artificial Person
An organization such as a company or trust fund that the law treats as if it were a person, capable of entering into contract and of being sued. A legal entity has legal capacity to enter into agreements or contract, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued.
Artificial Person or Legal Entity.-
An artificial-person is defined as “A legal entity, not a human being, recognized as a person in law to whom legal rights and duties -----“
• Persona moral – Artificial Person:
1 Capacity:
Enjoyment: limited to the activity of the artificial person.
Exercise: By the legal representative or the administrator.
2 Patrimony:
It is an indispensable element for the achievement element for the achievement……
3 Characteristics
Name or Corporate/Business Name: it’s a way to identify the artificial person from the moment it is created. The name can’t be chosen freely.
4 Address:
Artificial persons need to point out the place where the administrator of the business is going to be set.
5 Nationality:
Every artificial person that is created according to the laws of our country ….
• Natural Person: Is a real human being, as opposed to a legal person. A human being….
1 Capacity:
The legal capacity of a natural person is acquired from birth and is lost by death
Enjoyment: it consists of being holder of rights or being subject to obligations.
The kids have the enjoyment
Exercise: Only when you are an adult, and in full use of mental faculties, you can have the legal possibility of acting by yourself and claim your rights, in a direct way.
Ya puedes hacer uso de ellos como comprar una casa, ser condenado a la cárcel, etc.
Emancipación: El hombre se puede casar hasta los 16 y la mujer hasta los 14
2 Marital status: A persons bond to his family. The condition of being married or unmarried.
3 Characteristics
Patrimony: Set of goods or riches that correspond to a person
Name: Its necessary to identify every human being. It consists of a name and last names. The name can be chosen freely.