Poverty In Mexico
Enviado por leviluo • 20 de Junio de 2013 • 828 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 583 Visitas
Poverty in Mexico is a problem that the country has lived with for decades, and eventhough, things and purposes have been done to overcome this problem, the problem has always been more powerful than the solutions, because it is not something that can be done from one day to another.
Causes of poverty
In Mexico, we have a lot of different factors that can cause poverty, but the most important are the following:
Bad distrubution of wealths
It refers that the wealths that the country has and all the money is not well distributed among the rich people and the rest of the population. So many times, the money that “belongs” to the population, stays in the richest sector. The two main causes of this are: some corrupt politicians that steal money from the country, money that can be used to give poor people a better life. The other is that some enterprises steal money from the people, taking advantage of their ignorance. For example, Telmex charge offensive taxes just for using telephone and internet, or Cemex that sells cement 2 times more expensive than the international price.
Industry in Mexico
Mexico is a Semi-developed country, so it doesn't have an advanced technology as other countries. This is a problem for us because most of the times we have to export the raw material with very low prices, and we have to import products from abroad with higher prices. For example the mexican oil is exported to USA very cheap, they process it and export it to us as gasoline much more expensive.
Balance on the Economy
It's a dilemma that some of the most rich people in the world, live in Mexico, because at the same time, we have one of the biggest poor populations. According to the World Bank, “53% of Mexico' population of 104 million residents live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day. Close to 24% of Mexico's population live in extreme poverty, which means they live on less than $1 a day” , and at the same time we have Carlos Slim, considered nowadays the most rich person in the world, his profits exceed 17,000 million dollars a day.
Country's debt
The problem of Mexico's external debt started in 1900 with the revolution, were Mexico started needing money and asking for some lending. That problem continued for years, the worst one was between 1999 and 2000. The country was owing 162,000 million dollars. By 2005 the external debt was reduced to 130,000 million dollars.
It occurs when a person is available to work and currently seeking work, but the person doesn't find anything to work in
There are 4 main causes of unemployment that are the following.
When a person is looking for a job and doesn't find it in a determined period