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Minimum Wage In Mexico

Enviado por   •  11 de Junio de 2015  •  1.962 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  361 Visitas

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Minimum wage Mexico 2015

State of the art:In the article 90th established in the Federal Law of Work, the minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that a worker receives in pesos for the service given in a worked day.

The minimum wage needs to be sufficient to satisfy the normal needs of a family sustainer in the material, social, and cultural order; to support the obligatory education of sons.

It is considered of social use the establishment of institutions and ways to protect the acquisitive capacity of salary and to make easy the access of workers to obtain of the satisfaction of needs.

As it is established in international standards Mexico is a country in ways of development; nevertheless this situation has to do a lot with minimum wage, because 59.13% of the population is part of the low class, 39.16% medium class, 1.7% high class.

In Mexico the institution in charge of stablishing the minimum wage is the CONASAMI (Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos) supposedly it is a commission that checks the economic situation, the prices of living ; with principles of equality and justice between the production factors, in a context of respect to the dignity of the worker and his family.

The acquisitive power of the minimum wage was reduced in 7.24 % percent just between 2013 and 2014, the prices of CAR (Canasta Alimenticia Recomendable) increased in $20.66 MXN and the minimum wage just increased in $2.53 MXN; nevertheless the products included in the CAR are :

• Corn

• Beans

• Rice

• Sugar

• Corn flour

• Oil

• Tuna

• Sardines

• Oat

• salt

• Milk (dust)

• Pasta

• Maria cookies

• Animals cookies

• Wheat flour

• Laundry soap

• Bathing soap

• Hygienic paper

• Dust detergent

• Dental cream

• Dust chocolate

• Chilies

• Dust coffee


Mexico is a country in ways of development in the actual year 2015, but no matter all the economic reforms the government does; the reality is that the poor people gets more poor and the rich keep gaining money, if the rhythm of the country continues in this way we will never emerge of this hole of misery and hungriness, the proletarian is the dominant class at Mexico and is really sad that even though we have a “democracy”, government is not concerned about this people and keep them at the margin of scarcity. It is obvious that the minimum wage is never going to sustain the basic necessities of a single person. Even though there is a special commission in charge of stablishing the amount in pesos of the salary, their principles of dignity to workers are a hilarious joke in the face of people who receive the minimum wage.


The lack of opportunities between the lowest class is huge; the price of life is elevate and it is increasing, the minimum wage is vital for the lowest classes in Mexico and is the base of sustain of entire families that nowadays are made by the parents and 2 kids at least (normal range). Education has a price; medicines have a price, clothes, and basic services (water, light) and minimum wage is a mockery on dignity of workers and their families, their integrity is damage. Minimum wage is not fairly enough to cover the necessities of a Mexican family and everyday gets more difficult to survive with this payment. It is sure that this people that gain this miserable wage, has the tendency or necessity to steal or act in illegal ways because they need the money to survive, Mexico in general is a country in which security is a controversial situation and I strongly believe that this could change if the quality of life of the vulnerable classes could change the economic development would change, the PIB would change, and the opportunities would open too.

CONASAMI is a governmental commission that has as objective stablishing the minimum wage depending on the zones and job. It also defines each employee (mason, electrics technincs, etc).

This commission has divided the country in 2 zones: A and B and depending on the price of life and economic activities people realize as work. CONASAMI‘s web page includes several comparative graphics of the minimum wage of past years. CONASAMI is regulated by the 90 article in the Political Mexican Constitution stablished in the federal law of work.

This governmental organization is basically in charge of any change to minimum wage, the decreasing and the increasing of it.

"SALARIOS MÍNIMOS." CONASAMI. CONASAMI, 22 Dec. 2014. Web. 6 Mar. 2015. <>

Mercer is a web page that published an online article were it is stablished where is the expensive to live. In first place the most expensive places to live are : Los Cabos, Cancún, Monterrey and just behind them DF, Cuernavaca, and Guadalajara. The most cheap places for living in Mexico are: Tlaxcala Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Nayarit, Tuxtla Gutierrez and Chiapas. They made a classification according to the usual payments a Mexican family does:

House and education: house is a payment that will be taking important part of the income (rent of financial payment).If families have kids and their parents want them to be in private schools it also represents a huge part of your income and we have to consider that this payment will exist until the kids become adults and stop studying to find a job.

Pereyra, Jocelyn. "Presenta Mercer Su Estudio Costo De Vida Nacional 2014-2015." MERCER. MERCER, 27 Jan. 2015. Web. 6 Mar. 2015. <>.

The increase of prices in basic products affects in serious way the people whose life depends in minimum wage. The quality and the sustainability of life needs a good income to support all this, the normal basic standards of necessities in Mexican society are: water, light, gas, telephone, clothes, and food . and what the CAR contains are basic food and cleaning products, so imagine what is contemplated in the minimum wage is that a person is only able to acquire basic products (and not all of the CAR because the increase of prices). It is incredible how inflation has dramatically affected the acquisitive power in Mexico. In 1982 people was able to buy 50 kilos of tortillas with one minimum wage, and in the last year (2014) people is only able to buy 5 kilos with one minimum wage.

"El Salario Mínimo


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