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Enviado por angiecmora • 23 de Febrero de 2014 • 693 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 432 Visitas
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is a country located in South Asia. It borders India, Iran, Afghanistan, China and the Arabian Sea. Officially called Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the fifth most populous country with over 190 ( one hundred nairi million) people, about 94% ( nairi for porcent) Muslim.
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ISLAMBAD is the capital of pakistan but karichi is the most populous city This is because At independence Pakistan from India in 1946 (one thousand, nine hundred and fourty-six), hundreds of thousands of refugees sought refuge in the city of Karachi, which was chosen as the capital of the new country. As a result the population grew explosively. This growth brought about the clash between different ethnic groups within the city. The military government of Pakistan under the leadership of President Ayub Khan decided that Karachi could not remain the capital of Pakistan, as it was not located at a central point in the country and was considered a city socially and politically too unstable to install it government. The new capital of Pakistan Islamabad call, meaning "city of Islam", and thus would be the symbol of a young and progressive Islamic state.
on the map are two different green , areas controlled by the government of Pakistan are shown in dark green. While the areas claimed by Pakistan are shown in light green.
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Pakistan is a developing country that has faced many political and economic problems. Although it was a very poor country in 1947. Today, Pakistan is regarded as the second largest economy in South Asia mainly by exports
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From the September 6, 2008
Primer minister:
In a parliamentary Republic
In opposition to the republic presidential and semi-presidential republic, the head of state, normally has no real executive powers as a CEO, since most of these powers have been granted to the head of government, usually called Prime Minister
7. human rights
as in every Muslim country women's rights are minimal
In Pakistan 90% of women experience domestic violence and more than a thousand women a year are victims of murders "honor" according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Girls are forced marriages and women ácido.16 17 attacks is why Pakistan is considered the third most dangerous in the world for women.
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Education in Pakistan is divided into five levels: primary (grades one to five), middle (grades six through eight), secondary (ninth and tenth grades, given the Secondary School Certificate), intermediate (juniors and seniors, whence it comes with Certificate of Higher Secondary School) and university programs leading to degrees and advanced degrees.
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from the two thousand and three women's education is difficult or impossible in cities under the regime of Tehrik-i-Taliban