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Report on STAFF turnover in kingsley helpdesk operation

Enviado por   •  3 de Septiembre de 2023  •  Apuntes  •  1.029 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  74 Visitas

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Ingles Conversacional




  Paula Quiñones Jiménez

                                                                                         Ingles conversacional  

Instrucción general de la actividad

The Kingsley Helpdesk Centre has been in operation for four years. It employs 100 personnel whose work comprises mainly of handling telephone enquiries from the general public regarding our range of telecommunication services. Although situated in an area with high unemployment, the annual turnover has been between 50 and 55% every year since it opened. The average annual turnover for the helpdesk/call centre industry is 33%, already considered high compared to other industries One of the first things that the team noticed was the lack of training of the personnel in handling a call. Each employee had their own system of dealing with an issue. Where a process needed to be explained, different employees would provide different steps. In many instances, the employees felt frustrated because they had not been trained how to handle an issue and were merely guessing at the solution. When the staff survey was carried out, it was found that the most common complaint was about the working environment. Although a fifteen minute break every three hours was promised, in reality the long queue of callers on hold meant that a break was impossible, especially during peak hours. The lunch break was usually shortened for the same reason. The employees work in teams of eight, supervised by a team leader. The team leaders were observed to criticise and correct the employees when they made mistakes, but never to praise the employees when they did well. Interviews with the team members confirmed this. Finally, many employees complained that there was no chance of decent career progression. Team leaders are paid only very slightly more than the team members and have to work slightly longer hours. The centre is run by three managers, who were sent there from headquarters rather than being promoted from amongst the ranks


  Pregunta guía 1:

 ¿Cuál es el dilema en este caso? Integre todos elementos que configuran el problema.?

Undoubtedly it has been possible to identify several difficulties as a team, one of the first is the lack of training to the team to handle calls and conflicts that arose, in the interviews conducted, it is understood that each one of them had their own way of dealing with the problems, which often failed to convince, causing frustration by not being able to convince.

In the interviews conducted, it is clear that each one of them had their own way of dealing with the problems, which many times were not convincing as they tried to guess solutions causing frustration on their part; this is due to not receiving adequate training for the management and care of customers.


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