- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Critically evaluate the evidence for a biological basis of autism spectrum disorders.

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Critically evaluate the evidence for a biological basis of autism spectrum disorders.


The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate the evidence for a biological basis of autism spectrum disorders.

Autistic disorder and Asperger's disorder, which are included in the category of pervasive developmental disorders, are usually evident in the first years of life. Children with these disorders have difficulties to realize basic development tasks that relate to language, communication, socialization and motor behaviour. These disorders are rare and seem to have a genetic cause. Treatment may include a combination of medication and specialized training to develop and improve the acquisition of necessary skills.

Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) are perplexing disorders affecting development of 5 to 15 of 10,000 children, and are two of the disorders included in the Spectrum Disorders Autism (ASD). Children affected with these disorders mainly neurological come from all countries, cultures and economic backgrounds.

There is strong evidence that autism is present at birth. The characteristics will become apparent, in most cases, between one and three years of age, affecting language development and social interactions, especially interactions with other children. These disorders are also often but not always associated with difficulties in attention and variety of interests. These terms are used to describe a developmental delay; but rather a difference or deviation from the development in the areas of communication, social interaction, and attention to objects. Children between the ages one and three years often receive a diagnosis of PDD due to high of developmental variation across children in this age level, and because no expected that some of the behaviours associated with autism develop Due children under three years. Spectrum Disorders Autism covers DDA and includes autism, Rett's Disorder, Disorder Childhood disintegrative, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive of Development-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). These disorders described qualitative and quantitative differences in the ability of children to communicate, interact socially, and interact with objects and routines. The number variety of behaviours and the severity of involvement in each area are used to determine the specific diagnostic category. For the very small, the term Autism Spectrum Disorders may be more accurate because it is not expected that certain communication skills and games be developed at the time of initial evaluation.

Main Body

Autism spectrum disorders include three of the five Pervasive Developmental Disorders whom are autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome (Asperger's syndrome) and pervasive developmental disorder. The term ASD implies that the three disorders share common features, but also possess unique qualities that make each one has its own differential diagnosis. Therefore, the severity of disability varies in each individual and from one individual to another with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders.

Autism / autistic disorder

Children with autism find it rather difficult social interaction, expressive and receptive communication and exhibit patterns of behaviour, interests and activities restricted repetitive and stereotyped. The onset of autism is evident before age three, with evidence of delayed or abnormal functioning in social interaction, language and symbolic play.

Asperger Syndrome

Children with Asperger syndrome have significant difficulties in social interaction and exhibit patterns of behaviour, interests and activities restricted repetitive and stereotyped. Asperger syndrome causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. Unlike autistic disorder, people suffering from Asperger's syndrome has no clinically significant delays in terms of language acquisition, although there may be deficits in the practical use of language and skills for social communication. In addition, students with Asperger syndrome do not show cognitive delays during the first three years of life.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

The category of pervasive developmental disorder applies when a child does not meet the criteria for other disabilities, but it shows an extensive and pervasive impairment in the development of communication skills or social interaction or the presence of patterns of behaviour, interests and activities restricted, repetitive, or stereotyped.

Autism spectrum disorders are disabilities with many variations in symptoms or behavioural characteristics. In addition, skills, intelligence and behaviour through these indicators vary considerably between people with autism spectrum disorders. That is, some or all of the characteristics associated with autism spectrum disorders can be observed in a variety of forms ranging from mild to very advanced. For example, some children do not speak, others have limited language. Those with more advanced language skills tend to use a limited range of issues and also make it difficult abstract concepts and pragmatic language skills to use.

In general are also evident


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