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Cocina Kosher

Enviado por   •  11 de Marzo de 2014  •  314 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  285 Visitas

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Jewish food laws = Kashrut laws.

Kosher = Fit or proper

Terefah = forbidden

Where are they found?

• In the Torah - Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

Why do Jews observe Kashrut laws?

• The laws are not given for health or hygiene reasons although some argue there are health benefits e.g. method of slaughtering, there is some evidence that eating meat and dairy together interferes with digestion

• To test Jews' obedience - the laws are given in the Torah. The Torah does not specify any reason for these laws

• To mark them out as different from other nations.

• Some have suggested that the laws of kashrut fall into the category of "chukkim," laws for which there is no reason. We show our obedience to G-d by following these laws even though we do not know the reason.

• Other suggested reasons - the dietary laws are designed as a call to holiness. The ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, pure and defiled, the sacred and the profane, is very important in Judaism. Imposing rules on what you can and cannot eat ingrains that kind of self control.

• It raises the simple act of eating into a religious ritual. The Jewish dinner table is often compared to the Temple altar in rabbinic literature.

The Food Laws - What is Kosher?

Meat - Fleischig

• Must have cloven (split) hooves and chew the cud (balls of grass that some animals form in their stomachs after grazing) e.g. cows, sheep, goat and deer. Forbidden - pigs, horses, and camels.

• Only the forequarters of animals are kosher.


• There is no way of recognising kosher birds. They are just listed in the Torah. Chicken, turkey and duck are kosher.

• Forbidden - Birds of prey.


• Kosher - Must have scales and fins and a backbone e.g. plaice, cod, haddock, tuna and salmon.

• Terefah - octopus, eels or squid. Shellfish - crab, prawns or lobster.


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