InfoSec Institute Resources - "Working From Home" - The Next Insider Threat_
Enviado por fantasmagoria3 • 9 de Junio de 2013 • 3.090 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 589 Visitas
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“Working from Home” – The next insider threat? 22
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Even with all the technical advances of current human society, there are unfortunately certain areas where we
have not progressed as a people but instead –REGRESSED. The proliferation of educational material and the
availability of these resources have not been able to remedy very basic human problems, among which is
dishonesty. This has created problems from many different perspectives. For example, if you’re a creative
individual then your concern is that a “dishonest” party may steal your ideas.If you’re a company that offers a
work from home benefit, then your concern is that “dishonest” employees may be stealing your money by not
properly using the time for which they’re being paid.If you factor in to this equationthe ever-vanishing perimeter
and the connect-from anywhere mentality – then working from home has just become the next insider threat
vector.This article will discuss certain suggestions that can help managers and companies offering this benefit to
address this issue using a layered approach.This will help toensure that they are staying competitive while still
being able to offer this benefit to honest,hardworking employees.
So, where do we start?
D e fining the Re lationship B e tw e e n Em ploye r and Em ploye e
Since employment is an official agreement of certain terms between an individual and their employer, it must
be considered a “business deal” or contract. Before accepting any business deals, both parties need to
understand what they require from each other. From the perspective of the employer, hiring an individual is an
investment in the current talent and future abilities and that thisperson can develop to further the interests of
the employer.
The employee in turn considers accepting the position as an investment in time and agrees to perform a certain
function to the best of their ability for an agreed upon price. This “price”is manifested in the form of a salary,
benefits and other perks possibly made available by the employer.One of these additional perks is:
Cre ating the Right Culture
Many companies have also decided on certain strategies to attract and retain talent within their organizations to
protect these investments in staff. Among these strategies is creating a corporate culture that gives an employee
direction but allows enough latitude to permit them to fulfill their responsibilities according to their own
education and experience.
Working in this type of environment can be very gratifying, as the employee develops a sense of purpose in the
job they are accomplishing and is motivated to produce quality work. In creating this type of culture, some
organizations have opted to allow the work from home benefit and permit their employees to stay productive
while in the comfort of their own homes. This allows the employer to experience a cost savings by perhaps not
requiring as much real estate, utilities or Internet circuits to run daily operations.
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Building an Incident Response Team and IR Process
Anatomy of a Risk Assessment
Protecting yourself from Social Engineering Attacks
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InfoSec Institute's proprietary CISSP certification courseware materials are always
up to date and synchronized with the latest ISC2 exam objectives.