- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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History Brochure

What are Christianity, Islam and Judaism religious beliefs, roles in war and their biggest influences. The three religions are similar. They all believe in the same god. The three have a holy book and they are all monotheistic. The three religions are clashing and have many similar religious figures.

Every religion has to have a founder; for example, Jesus was the founder of Christianity, Muhammad of Islam and Moses of Judaism. The Islam places of worship are called Mosques, Temples for the Jews and Churches for the Christians. In Christianity you have to kneel to pray, you have to pray at least one time a day.

In Islam you have to pray five times a day everyday and kneel facing Mecca. For Jews it is an everyday integral part. The resource of the three is their holy books, the holy book in Islam is the Qu’ran, in Christianity is the Bible and in Judaism is the Torah. For Christians in afterlife there’s heaven and hell and you go to one of them depending on who you are and how you behave in life. Muslims believe in Day of Judgment, heaven and hell like Christians. Jews is not focused in afterlife, is focused on life actions.

Jews don’t regard violance and war to promote justice as always wrong, but it’s sometimes acceptable to kill people. Christians think war is right, it is just permited in self defence and when other state or nation is oppressing. Muslims are not against war, some are pacifists. Muslims permit war in self defence like Christians.

Christian holy days are Advents, Ash Wednesday, Sundays, Easter, Thanksgiving. Muslim holy days are New Years, Ashura, Mawlid, Ramadan, Id-al-Fitr, Id-al-Adha. Jewish holy days are Sukkot, Hankkah, Tu B’Shevat and Purim, Passover, The Omer Period, Shavuot, Tishah B’AV, Shabbat. The biggest leaders in Christianity were Jesus, William Carey and Martin Luther King Jr. For Islam was Muhammad and for Judaism were Moses and Abraham. The denominations in Islam are the Sunni, the Shia and Sutfsm. In Judaism there are Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, Reform Jews, Reconstructionist Jews and Humanistic Jews. In Christianity there are the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Western Orthodox, Protestants, Angilican, Amish, Baptists, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Quakers, Seventh Day Adventists, Evangelism.


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