Actividad 2 Analisis de casos. Sistemas Operativos
Enviado por Andres Sarmiento • 11 de Agosto de 2021 • Documentos de Investigación • 980 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 150 Visitas
Actividad 2. Tarea. Análisis de casos
Andres Ricardo Sarmiento
Agosto 2021.
Universidad Manuela Beltrán
Sistemas Operativos.
Ejercicio 1.
- Analizar 10 comandos que investigue de PowerShell (que hace este) y encontrar su equivalente en Linux.
- Exit: Pasa salir, se utiliza en la misma forma para ambos sistemas operativos
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
- Clear: Limpia la pantalla
[pic 3] [pic 4]
[pic 5][pic 6]
- Cd: Ir o regresa hacia alguna carpeta o directorio
[pic 7]
[pic 8]
- Ping: Valida la conexión al servidor de destino, en teste caso, Google.
[pic 9]
[pic 10]
- Ifconfig- (ipconfig en Windows): valida la configuración actual de la tarjeta de red.
[pic 11]
[pic 12]
- Chdir(Windows) pwd (Linux): Nos india en que carpeta o directorio estamos ubicados
[pic 13]-DOS
[pic 14]
- Del (Windows) y Rm(Linux): Elimina cualquier archivo
[pic 15]
[pic 16]
- Md(Widows) – Mkdir(Linux): Crea un directorio o carpeta
[pic 17][pic 18]
- Time(Windows) – date(Linux):
[pic 19]-DOS
[pic 20]
- Comando/ ? (Windows) – man(Linux)
[pic 21]
[pic 22]
[pic 23]
- Consultar los comandos que permiten hacer lo siguiente en PowerShell:
- Información del hardware 🡪Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
[pic 24]
- Información de la BIOS🡪 Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS
[pic 25]
- Muestra el usuario que está conectado en el sistema. 🡪 Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem
[pic 26]
- Aplicaciones Instaladas 🡪 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName . | Format-Wide
[pic 27]
- Mostrar IP 🡪 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName . | Format-Table -Property IPAddress
[pic 28]
- TOP 5 Procesos con más consume 🡪 ps | sort -p ws | select -last 5
[pic 29]
- Listar Ítems de directorio 🡪 Get-ChildItem -Force
[pic 30]
- renombrar varios archivos a la vez🡪 dir | rename-item -newname {$ -replace “prueba”, “intento”}
[pic 31]
[pic 32]
- Mostrar fecha y diferencias de dias entre dos fechas
[pic 33]
Objetivo | Comando |
Informacion del hardware | Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem |
Información de la BIOS | Get-WmiObject Win32_BIOS |
Muestra el usuario que está conectado en el sistema | Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem |
Aplicaciones Instaladas | Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName . | Format-Wide |
Mostrar Ip | Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName . | Format-Table -Property IPAddress |
TOP 5 Procesos con más consume | ps | sort -p ws | select -last 5 |
Listar Ítems de directorio | Get-ChildItem -Force |
Renombrar varios archivos a la vez | dir | rename-item -newname {$ -replace “prueba”, “intento”} |
Mostrar fecha y diferencias de dias entre dos fechas | $d1 = '1992-10-03' $d2 = Get-Date $ts = New-TimeSpan -Start $d1 -End $d2 $ts.Days # Check results |
- Explain the differents methods for memory management
- First In First Out - FIFO
- Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.)
- Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.)
- Round Robin
Make a comparative table between the different algorithms of memory management, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each of them
- First In First Out - FIFO
The processes are serviced in the order in which they entered the Ready list. The process is assigned the CPU until it finishes its execution.[pic 34]
- Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.)
Once a process begins its execution, it can be displaced by a new one with a lower estimated execution time.
- Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.)
The standby process that has the next shortest estimated execution time runs first, until it terminates.
- Round Robin
It consists of assigning the CPU to the first process on the Ready list during a run time (Quantum), which is the same for all processes.
[pic 35]
Algorithms | Advantages | Disadvantages |
FIFO | * Simpler algorithm * Easier to implement, FIFO queue | * Inefficient frequencies. * Has a lot of load * The wait time, return, performance are variable depending on the order of arrival and the duration of CPU Intervals. |
S.R.T | * Optimize average waiting time and performance * It is more efficient since it does not produce overhead * Produces turnaround time | * It is a non-preemptive algorithm * CPU range is difficult to predict * Long jobs will not run while there are short jobs |
S.J.F | * Associates each process with an approximate CPU time. * Choose the smallest cycle | * It is the knowledge of the length of the next burst. * Estimation of CPU utilization time by a process |
R.R. | *Equitable * Easy to implement * Properties do not change * Its algorithm is very predictable. | * There may be an indefinite postponement * Normally the average return time is longer than in SJF, but the response time is better |