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Agilent E6474A
Wireless Network
Optimization Platform
User’s Guide
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009
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Manual Part Number
16 July 2009
Agilent E6474A, Release 14.0 or later
Printed in Malaysia
Agilent Technologies
South Queensferry
EH30 9TG, Scotland, UK
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2 Agilent E6474A User’s Guide
Welcome to Agilent E6474A Wireless Network Optimization Platform
Thank you for choosing Agilent Technologies. In this User’s Guide, you will find the instructions you need to set up the hardware and begin using the software to take
About this guide
This guide contains installation and operating instructions for the Agilent E6474A Wireless Network Optimization Platform software.
See this chapter For this information
1 Get Ready A list of tasks to perform before you get started.
2 Install the Software Instructions for installing the E6474A software.
3 Set Up Your System Setup instructions and cable connections for each component of your systems.
4 Use Your System • Powering up systems.
• Starting and using the software.
5 Get Results Fast • Using the online training demonstrations.
• Accessing and using online help.
6 Getting Assistance, If
You Need It
• Getting telephone support.
• Frequently asked questions.
• Returning systems for service.
• Solving problems.
• Contacting customer support.
• Updating E645xC receiver firmware.
Additional information
This guide is designed to provide you with a smooth, successful installation and setup. In addition to this guide, the online help provides information on the user interface, views, system panels and configuration, as well as in- depth information about how to use the E6474A software. The software also contains over two hours of video training material that helps you get the most from the application.
Agilent E6474A User’s Guide 3