Programar la producción según producto a fabricar y prioridades establecidas
Enviado por Anyelo Casas • 31 de Julio de 2023 • Tarea • 1.430 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 47 Visitas
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Regional Distrito Capital
Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad
Versión 2
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Centro de Gestion Industrial
Bogota Marzo de 2021
UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE: Asignar cargas de trabajo (pedidos).
Identificar y clasificar los sistemas de producción.
Nombre del estudiante: JESUS DAVID ORTEGA ROMERO
Identificación: 1001967805
Ciudad y fecha: BOGOTA - 13/07/2023
Señor Evaluado:
Este cuestionario ha sido elaborado con el fin de recoger evidencias de su conocimiento, relacionadas con el módulo de formación.
Usted debe:
- Responder todas las preguntas.
- Diligenciar los datos personales de identificación y los relacionados con la Estructura curricular y módulo de formación.
- Presentar siempre la evaluación en presencia del evaluador, utilizando letra clara y legible, si requiere ayuda para ello, solicítela.
- Firmar la evaluación si esta de acuerdo con el resultado de lo contrario proceda apelar.
- En máximo tres días hábiles el evaluador le entregará de manera presencial, el resultado obtenido.
Resultado de aprendizaje 1/1: Resultado de aprendizaje 1/1: Select the production process according to the product to be manufactured.
1. Identify and classify production systems based on:
• The transformation level.
It consists of a set of activities, whether machinery, labor, among others, that takes one or more inputs as inputs and transforms them to obtain a product or service as outputs or results.
• The product nature.
In the nature of Products are classified as tangible and intangible, the tangible components refer to color, size as the size, or object. And the intangibles are not physical and refer to the product's price, quality and aesthetics.
• The organization to produce.
The organization of a production process consists of determining the arrangement of the different means of production (equipment, warehouses, handling systems, groups of workers, etc.) in order to obtain a better overall performance of the production equipment.
2. Describe the different organizational structures of production systems.
The organizational structure consists of the way work is divided and coordinated and how roles and responsibilities are assigned. It is about defining, at least, who will do the work, how, where, with what resources and to whom they will report.
- Hierarchical organizational structure.
Hierarchies are organized in a pyramid structure, with executives, directors, managers, and employees ordered from the highest ranking to the lowest level of the chain. This is by far the most used structure; With it, clear limits are marked between the members of a team.
- Functional organizational structure.
In this system, teams are grouped based on skills and knowledge. So, we're talking about a top-down group structure between the various departments that goes from the president to his team members and so on.
Functional structures are organized with a managerial governing body, or some type of single authority, that oversees all departments.
Although these teams vary from company to company, the functional structure aims to provide what is necessary to develop specialized skills and to prepare everything for the growth of the organizations.
- Matrix organizational structure.
The matrix structure is the most different from other organizational structures, since it does not follow the typical hierarchical model. Instead, this team structure is organized in the form of a grid, with team members reporting to more than one leader. Relationships are usually structured as parent and child dependencies.
In matrix organizations, these structures are applied to achieve balance in the management team and, ultimately, in the decision-making process.
The system you choose will depend on the nature of your teams and the structure of dependencies with which they work. The main benefit of this particular strategy is that you create a balanced organizational structure. It can be achieved if you establish several lines of dependency of each worker with leaders of different departments or divisions.
- Organizational structure based on processes.
In a process-based organizational structure the emphasis is placed on different internal processes rather than on departments. Like what happens with other structures, it is also organized by hierarchies, and the management team is connected to these different processes.
This type of company organizational structure is preferred by organizations whose processes take precedence over other individual projects. They can be new processes or others that the organization has already implemented.
- Circular organizational structure.
This fully circular organizational structure keeps everyone connected, yet separate in their own circles. The number of rings in the structure will continue to grow until all people have been placed on the levels to which they belong.