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RE: Life before the Internet versus Life after the Internet

Enviado por   •  27 de Julio de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  1.451 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  280 Visitas

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We have spoken many times of the Cold War but we start to investigate further on what were the consequences of this war detonate. Historical texts tell us that it was a political, economic, social, military, informative and even included sporting confrontation, had its beginnings after the Second World War, and its detonation was placed in 1947, in time of war and hard to separation from the Soviet Union, with the beginning of perestroika in 1985, once in 1989 the Berlin wall fell because of this war, and there is a coup in 1991 in the USSR. The reasons for this confrontation were mainly more than anything ideological and political between the United States and the Soviet Union.

        This struggle between these two countries came to detonate a world war, by the entity and the severity of the economic, political and ideological conflicts, which undertook significantly marked much of the history of the second half of the twentieth century. The two countries with each super powers wanted to implement its model US government's entire planet. Neither never took direct action against the other, this was the main reason why I mention it was cold war conflict. Apparently the date of the beginning of the Cold War disagreement enters some moments when exactly began. According to some historians it said that he had begun at the end of the Second World War and others say it began ending the First World War. Caused by the tensions that exploded between the Russian Empire, the British Empire and the United States.

        World War II and its aftermath were 1939-1947. In the second war, the Soviets suspected that British and Americans had chosen to leave the Russians the bulk of the war effort, and to forge a union against Soviet once the war was decided in favor of the Allies, to force the USSR sign a treaty of peace advantageous to Western interests. These suspicions stressed relations between the allies during World War II. The allies did not agree on how they should draw European frontiers after the war. The American model of stability was based on the establishment of governments and economic markets like the US and the belief that well governed countries would turn to international organizations to settle their differences. Historical data show that the separation of the Soviet Union was the disintegration of federal political structures and the central government (USSR), which culminated in the independence of the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union between March 11th, 1990 and December 25th, 1991. At the same time accords was an international agreement that was signed one day December 8, 1991 by the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

These agreements declare the official dissolution of the USSR ending the validity of the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR. The dissolution of the world's largest socialist state also marked the end of the Cold War. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union that was related to the context that emerged after the end of the Cold War, in which the separation of other countries in the eastern part he was also given. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union came many consequences on the economic issue bringing back a major economic crisis and living standards collapsed dramatically around the 1990 bringing a great depression. The collapse of the economy of the Soviet Union arose in the late 1980s; in a short time the economy of the Soviet Union suffered great changes that occurred their own end as a political unit. The former USSR led to several independent countries, all of which experienced very severe contractions of their economies in their transition to capitalism. After the dissolution of the USSR, Russia was the natural heir of Soviet power, becoming a radically different country of the former USSR. In 1997, Russia's GDP was more than half of 1989 levels Uzbekistan where 1997 GDP was about 80% of 1989 was one of the former Soviet republics or less affected. Armenia Georgia was the most affected GDP in 1997 was around 30% from 1989.


The Cold War dominated the second half of the twentieth century and resulted in the collapse of communism. This war occurred due to a period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union between 1940 and 1980, was called Cold War because the war between the two countries was triggered by fears of a nuclear scale.

The main causes that led to this war occurred because the Soviet Union wanted to spread its communist ideology to everyone, which alarmed the Americans, who hated the ideology and did not accept this political system. The acquisition of nuclear weapons by the Americans warned greatly the Soviets, both countries feared attack by one or the other, personal dislike of the American president against Russian President Josef Stalin and fear of the Soviets that the United States will use to Western Europe as a base to attack the Soviet Union were also it causes of the cold war.


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