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Analysis Of Negotiation For The Use Of Groundwater Sources In The Communities, TheTotora, The Huaraclla And Pomabamba District Of Jesus, Province And Department Of Cajamarca. Ing.M.Sc. Gilberto Cruzado Vásquez1

Enviado por   •  3 de Mayo de 2015  •  446 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  401 Visitas

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Profesor of Geology at the National University of Cajamarca

Professor of Geology at the National University of Cajamarca

Cajamarca - PERU


The work was carried out in three communities called the Totora Huaraclla Pomabamba and whose UTM coordinates are 9'200, 000 N, 784.000 E 9 'E 788.000 196.000 N, 9'200, 000 N, 788.000 E 9'196, 000 N and 784.000 E , altitude of 2.670 to 3.680 m.s.n.m.

This research was made in these communities because there are conflicts to use the water which is originated from a spring, named "Chim Chim, whose flow is 18 liters. / sec that pertaining to the Commonwealth called Pomabamba, from which supplies water for human consumption and irrigation through a main channel called La Huaraclla that it has 280 users and a secondary channel called Monte Alegre, with 22 irrigators, Totora is independent in the conflict.

The sub basin is formed by three physiographic positions: A cone fluvio glacier that corresponds to the Huaraclla, which is nearly flat position with sandy clay stony soil where the most part of the year without any drinking water and irrigation. The sloping area is Pomabamba, has crops to feed due to there is water almost the time. mostly 60% of the year of the total area and the mountain area is La Totora, where the landscape is permanently green color due to the rain, but lately the peasants burns the vegetation to expand their farm, so these areas has been becomed desert.

The research has been done in three stages: Preliminary stage cabinet to plan the study, field study to know the Geospace and identify conflicts between communities and the end of cabinet to analyze problems and develop the report.

There are conflicts in the basin because the water is not enough to supply 350 hectares with so little flow that after many legal processes more than 100 years and physical assault because there is not enough water, nevertheless these communities have reached the following agreement:

During the day Pomabamba community will use the water for human consumption and irrigation , and the evenings, saturdays and sundays will use the water Huaraclla community with the same purposes. The distribution of water makes a person who is denominated water´s judge, who is elected by universal election such agreement, will be respected by all the users. Totora is independent of this agreement, it is not part of the conflict..

The maintenance of the channels is done by users no state involvement, the absence of any of the users will be fined the price of a work day equivalent to 25 soles ($ 8.77 USD), the running costs will amount commissioners prior authorization of users.

Key words: GRH-Huaraclla


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