- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingenieria en mantenimiento

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Part 2

Profesor:                                                                                            Alumno:

Frakimil Rosal                                             Sebastian Marquez C.I: 30.363.199


El Tigre 4 de Diciembre de 2020

1).  A large part of the students who enter this career have two interests, the exact sciences and the industrial production process. The student must count with logical, mathematical, and verbal reasoning skills, in addition to analytical thinking and creativity, and has to have interest in working individually and in a team. In this disclipline, the student with study Manufactoring Processes,  which for an industrial maintenance engineer is essential to understand this process very well, since only in this way will he be able to optimize it following the necessary standards. He will also study Industrial Computer-Assisted Drawing, a very useful resource to develop the structure of industrial plants. Electronics, applying the concepts of electromagnetic forces to the development of the industry. Plant Engineering, specialized in the production costs and time spent, in this way these resources can be optimized. Electric Instalations, preventing posible accidents or waste of electrical energy. Industrial Mechanics, because understanding the working of industrial machinery is fundamental to the good performance of a plant. Apart from all of these, the engineer will find themselves between many other disciplines in his carreer.

Gran parte de los estudiantes que ingresan en esta carrera tienen dos intereses, las ciencias exactas y el proceso productivo industrial.

El alumno debe contar con habilidades de razonamiento lógico, matemático y verbal, además de pensamiento analítico y creatividad, y tener interés tanto en el trabajo individual, como en equipo. En esta disciplina el alumno estudiará procesos de Manufactura, que para un ingeniero en mantenimiento industrial es fundamental entender muy bien este proceso, ya que sólo de esta forma podrá optimizarlo siguiendo las normas necesarias. También estudiará Dibujo industrial asistido por computadora, un recurso bastante útil para desarrollar la estructura de una planta industrial. Electrónica, que aplica los conceptos de las fuerzas electromagnéticas al desarrollo de la industria. Ingeniería de planta, que se especializa en los costos de producción y el tiempo utilizado, de esta forma se pueden optimizar estos recursos. Instalaciones eléctricas, que evita posibles accidentes o desperdicio de energía eléctrica. Mecánica Industrial, porque entender cómo funcionan equipos y maquinarias industriales es fundamental para el buen andamiento de una planta. Aparte de estas, el ingeniero se encontrará entre muchas otras disciplinas a lo largo de la carrera.

In this disclipline, the student with study many processes and subjects, which for an industrial maintenance engineer is essential to understand the inner workings of a company very well, and only in this way will he be able to optimize them following the necessary standards to avoid future accidents and wastes of resources and energy.

2). The Mechanical Maintenance Engineer scientifically applies the results of experience and research in the conservation of equipment. The professional profile of the Mechanical Maintenance Engineer graduated from the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho University, is trained, among others, for the performance of activities related to: Maintenance and the repairing of machines, equipment and mechanical systems, planning, administration, programming, administration and supervision of mechanical equipment, technological and scientific research on machines and equipment, while his functions are oriented towards the design of projects, installation, assembly and repair of machines, planning, programming and evaluation of equipment maintenance, mastery of techniques, theories and principles applied to Mechanical Maintenance engineering, dexterity based on processes reflection, research, creation and use of various scenarios and learning, leadership attitude, and self-management within the productive processes of the industrial park.

El Ingeniero en Mantenimiento Mecánico aplica con carácter científico los resultados de la experiencia y la investigación en la conservación de los equipos. El perfil profesional del Ingeniero en Mantenimiento Mecánico egresado de la Universidad Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, está capacitado entre otras, para el desempeño de actividades relacionadas con: Mantenimiento y reparación de máquinas, equipos y sistemas mecánicos, planificación, administración,  programación, administración y supervisión de equipos mecánicos, investigación tecnológica y científica sobre máquinas y equipos, mientras que sus funciones están orientadas hacia el diseño de proyectos, instalación, montaje y reparación de maquinas, planificación, programación y evaluación del mantenimiento de equipos, dominio de técnicas, teorías y principios aplicados a la ingeniería de Mantenimiento Mecánico, destreza en función de procesos de reflexión, investigación creación y uso de diversos escenarios y aprendizaje, actitud de liderazgo, y autogestión dentro de los procesos productivos del parque industrial.}

The professional profile of the Mechanical Maintenance Engineer graduated from the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho University, is trained, among others, for the performance of activities related to : Maintenance and the repairing of machines, equipment and mechanical systems, planning, administration, programming, administration and supervision of mechanical equipment, technological and scientific research on machines and equipment

3).  The Mechanical Maintenance Engineer applies with science the results of experience and research in the conservation of equipment. The profesional profile of the Engineer in Mechanic Maintenance is capacitated to the performance of activities related to the maintantenance and repair of machines, hardware and mechanical sistems, planning, administration, programming, administration and supervision of mechanical equipment, technological and scientific investigation about machines and hardware. The engineer's functions are oriented to the design of projects, installation, assembly and repair of machines, planning, programming and evaluation of equipment maintenance, and his functions are oriented towards the design of projects, installation, assembly and repair of machines, planning, programming and evaluation of equipment maintenance, mastery of techniques, theories and principles applied to Mechanical Maintenance engineering, dexterity based on reflection processes, research, creation and use of various scenarios with a learning, leadership attitude.


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