- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Learning Outcome4

Enviado por   •  24 de Noviembre de 2014  •  335 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  122 Visitas

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Francisco Javier Hernández Peralta. Registration:


Course title:

English VII. Teacher’s name:

Elida Saldivar Silva.


4. Business Matters. Activity:

Learning outcome 4.


May 13th, 2014. Team:



Richards, Jack C. & Sandy, Chuck (2009). Passages 2 (2nd ed.). New York, N.Y. Cambridge University Press.


To apply all the knowledge that we have been learning trough this subject to apply for a job in a correct form.


• Choose a job on a database on internet or newspaper.

• Research on the employers.

• Make a list of benefits they offer.

• Answer “why it is the perfect job for you and you should apply to have it?”


I already have a job. I work half time in a college named “IPETH”. I am in a little area of the marketing department. In this area we make surveys about the professors, subjects, infrastructure and managerial area. Each survey has at least 35 questions and all the students have to answer them. When we have all the surveys, we create a database and then we interpret them and make conclusions out of it.

In this area we also make marketing strategies for the college and for different companies who want to improve their work.

This is not my dream job, because I am not studying marketing, so I do not feel attracted to this.

I want to create things, and be in charge of the quality of some products in an industry. Also I would like to optimize processes and develop methods for making them better. For that reason I am studying Industrial Engineering.

I want a job where I can develop all my abilities and where I can do my best, and practice all my knowledge.

I want to apply all my language knowledge in my dream job, because I want to grow up professionally and as a person.

My dream job is to work in a company where they produce prosthesis for people who don’t have an extremity.


It is important to express our ideas in a proper form, but mostly when we apply for a job, because we must prove that we have the requirements that they ask for.


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