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Pulsed Bag Filter Operation

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Pulsed Bag Filter



Jing Run Dedusting Equipment Co.Ltd. Botou City

Maintenance and Operation Instruction

1、Preparation before start the machine

1)、Keep clean and tidy of control room and ventilator room, no foreign object around and on equipments and platforms.

2)、Check the main ventilator and electric motor.

3)、Electric inspection

  •  Switching on the high/low pressure power cabinet, power supply the cabinets and control loop inside the control room.
  • Control system started normally, displayed image comply with the design requirement.

4)、Inspection of discharging devices and pipeline valve.

  • Discharge valve close.。
  • Pipeline valve open

2、Inspection before running air circuit system

  1. Must scavenge air for 20 to 30 minutes to every pipe before running the air circuit system.
  2. Keep smoothness of compressed air pipeline, and air pressure between 0.4 ~ 0.7Mpa, and then open the air pressure valve to feed air to air tank.
  3. Open discharge valve of air tank, drain the oil and water until empty the tank, and then close the valve.
  4. Open valves step by step, adjust the pressure of reducing valve in front of offline deashing valve air cylinder as 0.4~0.5Mpa; adjust the pressure of reducing valve in front of pulse blowing/spraying devices as 0.25Mpa~0.35Mpa. Open discharge valve under the filter to drain the oil and liquid and then close it.
  5. Check the gas distributor one by one, and check water logging, air leakage, or other faults of the distributor.
  6. Check and make sure that the air circuit is unblocked.
  7. Check the movement and integrity of pulse valve(check vent hole whether venting the air).
  8. Check the pulse air bag pressure is normal.
  9. Check the water filter and oil filter working normally.
  10. Check the atomized lubricator filled oil to 2/3 position of oil leveler(transformer oil).
  11. Attention: Keep nozzle pressure of new replaced filter bag be 0.2Mpa, and adjust to 0.25Mpa after 3 days.

3、Filter main equipments inspection

This filter is offline pulse deashing bag filter, can work automatically and manually, the manual mode can be only used for inspection and adjustment, normally the filter is controlled by PLC, which control the offline dedusting valve, to dedust in house separately.

  1. The filter use FMS glass fiber needled felt as bag material, normally replace them once a year.
  2. If vent funnel is smoking, means filter bag broken inside the filter, close the offline valve separately to confirm the position of broken filter bage, then check and replace, to guarantee the qualified discharging.
  3. Before inspection and maintenance such as large quantity of replacing filter bage, the filter system shall be stopped, and then start to operate.
  4. Usually check the running status of offline dedusting valve, and movement reliable, and position.
  5. Check the dust discharging system and the valve working normally, no stuck and blocking.
  6. Filter dust hopper shall separately open to discharge the dust.

4、System operation

After preparation job, start the machine and operate the system according to the Electric Operation Instruction of filter.

5、Supervision during normal running

When the system is running, check them every two hours, checking sequence could be from low pressure room, high pressure room, main ventilator, motor, to filter running status, whether has anormal status, and do at least one time of normal inspection to all moving parts(air cylinder, bearing and motor). Routing inspection as the follows:

  1. Ventilator whether running balancing, whether have abnormal sound, whether cooling water supplying normally.
  2. Control the system and equipments according to the following parameters during normal running, and record.

  • Pressure difference of filter front and back: <1800Pa。
  • Pulse valve and offline valve work noramally.
  1. Instruments, meters, and indicator lights whether work normally, whether switches position are right.
  2. Bolts fixing status of connection parts of equipments.
  3. Leakage of pulse pipeline.
  4. Abnormal sound, smell, smoke while the high pressure cabinet, elctric cabinet, and control cabinet are running.
  5. Damage and faults of filter parts and components, main pipeline is unblocked, breakage and collapse.
  6. Every time checking the machine shall be done by two people together, and timely, accurately, and detailedly record.

Only after receiving on-site notice or notice of relevant department, the filter can be stopped. If hve alarm, check immediately; if have a serious failure, stop the machine as soon as possible.  

When stopping the system, operators shall pay attention to the followings:

  1. The blowing/spraying system will automatically stop after two cycles of blowin/spraying. (controlled by PLC)
  2. Shut down the control system.
  • Stop PLC.
  • Stop air supply.
  • Close the air feeding valve before the pulse blowing/spraying device, open the discharge valve under the blowing/spraying device filter, drain the water and air, and close the discharge valve after confirm that no compressed air in blowing/spraying device and pipelines.
  1. Close valves of air pipeline.
  • Attention: after stopping the main motor, must wait for at least 15 minutes and then it can be started again.

6、Dust discharge operation

  1. Determine the dedusting interval time according to actual dust quantity, it can be adjusted during the operation.
  2. See the Electric Operation Instruction for detail.

7、System pipeline maintenance

  1. Periodically(1 or 2 times every year) check the main pipeline and inside the pipe for any damage, if find problem then arrange people to clean and repair.
  2. Periodically do anticorrosion treatment, and anticorrosion painting to machine once a year.
  3. Periodically discharging the accumulated dust and ash of filter and dust tank one by one.

8、Normal operation and maintenance of machine

     See instruction manuals of corollary equipments for normal use of those equipments.


1)、For maintenance of purchased parts please see related technical documents or instruction manuals.


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