Production Operation
Enviado por trutone • 20 de Marzo de 2012 • Informe • 570 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 589 Visitas
Production Operation
any part of the industrial process that is treated as a distinct element for the purposes of such design and organizational considerations as planning, accounting, and control. A production operation is characterized by stability in both the labor process and the equipment used by the operator. Distinctions are made between basic technological operations, auxiliary operations, and servicing operations. Technological operations consist of purposeful changes in the form, size, and condition of raw materials or semifinished products, or in the structural, mechanical, physical, or other qualities of these materials and products. These changes are made with the instruments of labor in order to obtain the product of labor. Technological operations may be automatic or semiautomatic; they may be machine operations, combined hand-and-machine operations, or purely hand operations; they may also be done by special instruments.
Production planning focuses on technological operations and on the allocation of equipment for these operations. Norms are set for the amount of labor, materials, energy, and equipment time to be expended on each technological operation. The labor of operators is rated and paid in terms of the technological operation performed, and in some cases quality control measures are applied to each technological operation.Auxiliary operations are production operations involving the enterprise’s construction of the technical equipment and the instruments needed for the manufacturing process. These operations also include repairs to equipment, buildings, and other facilities. Servicing operations provide materials, semifinished products, and energy for the basic and auxiliary industrial processes. They also provide transport and inspection services, as well as laboratory testing and research.One of the goals in organizing production is to combine all technological, auxiliary, and servicing operations in space and time in such a way that an even rhythm of production is assured, conditions are created for a high level of labor productivity, and the fixed and working capital of the enterprise are used as effectively as possible.
Monday 8, August.
Dear baby:
Inicia otra semana y hoy baby estas más gordito y cachetón serán esas ricas papillas que preparan tu mami.
Tuesday 9, August
Esta mañana lluviosa, querido hijo, has mojado muchos pañales porque tienes frio, papa te coloco con abriguito de lana y unos pequeños guantes y le prepara al bebe una lechita calientita; pero mamita deberá lavar muchos pañales y ponerlos a secar.
Wednesday 10,
Hoy papa llego a casa con un regalito para ti baby, es un lindo carrito, con sonidos musicales, a mama le encanto ver sonreir al bebe de felicidad por su juquetito nuevo.