- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Diciembre de 2013  •  959 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  196 Visitas

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What I understood each text in general was:


In saying that mass work , indicate that work with excessively large volume production , with not very skilled workers and consequently the above production costs are relatively low . Using these features these systems are recognized .

For this production system will be established that the equipment used is for special use of the product because the machinery is there only a certain operation to a specific item to a consecutive order , as an example of this type of production system are mounting televisions, computers and cars .

For the implementation of this type of system conditions that should prevail are:

1. Determine the volume of production of parts or products to make it big.

2 . Have a standard design .

3 . The material flow must be continuous.

4 . Demand for the product should be stable.

Advantages of Mass Production System :

1. Short production time , having a set sequence , because delays and transport can be reduced.

2 . Low unit cost of the product , having to purchase materials in large quantities , as well as items that are produced excessively .

3 . Personal skillfully , because perform repetitive operations.

4 . Low degree of control, skill and quality obtained by the operator.

5 . Orders large , having a big production capacity , therefore very low in developing each item costs with good quality will be obtained.

Disadvantages of Mass Production System :

1. Little flexibility because changing the design of a piece is difficult for established operations match the logic of the new process.

2 . High investment in equipment , facilities and agree to a logical process , it is sometimes necessary to install more machinery and equipment as they're requiring , which implies a high investment .

3 . Personal unskilled or semi-skilled , whereas the activities of the operator does not require specialization.

4 . The delay may be altered at any point throughout the production floor because all the activities to produce the product are consecutive.

5 . Arrangement of apparatus for operation , equipment is arranged in a particular way , unable to make design changes .

Mass production occurs when all the administration is already accomplished , there are bound materials , machinery , work, supplies, and get the price approved by customer purchase . It's time to " start production."


At the beginning of the story there were no coins or bills to pay for goods or services. People practiced barter or exchange . For example : a man handed a fish in exchange for a goat . Later, as societies Developed , needs increased , so it was necessary that there was a most practical and Comfortable barter exchange. At first cocoa beans, oysters , salt , precious


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