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Products And Brands

Enviado por   •  12 de Enero de 2012  •  2.010 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  791 Visitas

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Brands and Products:

To what extent are consumers subservient to corporate powers?


Corporations, trans-national organization, multinational agencies that involve the global economy are the key words and the core of the present historical moment, known as the globalization era.

The historical phenomenon started to increase by the 19th determined by the industrial revolution, but had to slow down with after the First World War, as a result of adopting certain closed policies to increase internal security as well as to privilege national economical recovery.

Globalization is a totally new, complex framework of over world economical, political and social structure created by concrete social and political forces (Ronaldo Munck 2007). However there other forces that characterize the process of globalization as the interdependence world economic and financial markets, time –space compression due to telecommunications, information systems, air transportations, high speed trains and international business services, etc.

Different scholars share contrastive opinions about the globalizing tendency. The supporters of the democratic globalizations, that are the reformists consider that the first phase of the globalization, which was the market spreading, should be completed by world institutions that will represent the world citizen, also arguing for the free movement of good, service, capital and labour.

On the other hand there is the case against the process of globalisation; the scholars that follow this theory regard globalization merely as an economic process leading to the commodification of life (Ronald Munck, 2007). Argue against the privatization of technology, resources and knowledge for the future capitalist exploitation. Critics also argue against the process of globalization as the one that leads the poor countries to even more poverty and dependence, by imposing importation – exportation policies to certain countries in order to get benefited.

The moderate neoliberals, recognize the benefits of the phenomenon in question focussing of the free circulation of goods and creating the possibility of an international market, but are aware of the benefits for those who is this framework designed: global giant corporations.

It is difficult to realize the involvement of free market globalization and the social contestation of its effect, but it is possible to analyse the role of the global markets, globalised production, technical innovation and the falling barriers to trade and investment in the global game in order to understand and critically evaluate the process and it potential effects.


Etymologically, the word ‘product’ comes from Latin prōdūce (re), a verb that means to bring forth. It historically passed to be defined as something produced by human or mechanical effort or as a result of a natural process. Later on, this word could semantically mean a ‘direct result or consequence of something’.

"Is history the product of impersonal social and economic forces?"Anthony Lewis

I used this rhetorical element to build up the explanation of the contrast between early function a product and today’s impact upon our existence as a hole: the era of anonymous corporations as dominant institutions.

Strictly economically speaking, all that the buyer receives when making a purchase act: the product itself (good or service), packaging, warranty and support services. The product must respond to consumer needs and preferences of managers and technicians of the company. A product is more than just a good or service that satisfy a certain demand. It is a combination of attributes: design, color, quality, cost, packaging, size, length, weight, etc. These attributes are often determining the success or failure of many commercial products.


This term can be defines as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these, which tends to identify goods or services of one seller or group for its exclusiveness. The marks appear as universal symbols of the modern era. They are like the universal language, which allows the unity of all consumers: large and small, east and west, Catholics and Muslims. The brand has surpassed the concept of product. The brand is no longer linked to product, but a set of values that identify consumers. At present, it has passed from reporting on the product to try to create and transmit a brand identity. It attempts to connect emotionally with the consumer.

As before mentioned, in marketing, is any good or service that can be offered that includes a series of benefits or satisfaction from the consumer about the purchase or its usage. The brand is the mere symbolic manifestation of the information connected with the company that produces the product.

On one hand product is a result of the process of producing and therefore it is tangible, while the brand is an intangible creation of an identity in order to create an image for public and potential customers and represents an effective form of advertising and marketing. In Naomi Klein No Logo, a new era corporation is introduced, the transcendent corporations: based of complex contractions of subcontractors that produces their goods, while the corporation effort is centered on building their brand image.

Exceptionally, from an enterprise point of view, lots of revolutionary changes happened that radically changed the world of corporative communication towards their customers.

The power of a corporation

A corporation is an entity incorporated in a legal and separate from its shareholders. A corporation has the power and legal authority to buy and use real the basis, and also control staff, sue and be sued in its own name. In general terms, a corporation is allowed to perform all transactions as permitted by the laws of the country.

One of the reasons that make a corporation a good way of doing business is that people who participate in it, or shareholders, liable for the debts that it possibly could have. This could change in case of a shareholder acting in the form of individual, as a guarantor of the corporation. Another good reason for their existence are the tax benefits to be gained by forming one, which also depend on the laws of each country in the United States, it is common to the formation of corporations by individuals to obtain these benefits to operate even small businesses using this actual platform.



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