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Productivity and home office.

Enviado por   •  14 de Marzo de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  942 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  333 Visitas

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What does it take to be productive and efficient in a world of infinitely rising demand and endless potential distractions? By productive, the author Tony Schwartz as part of the Harvard Business Review, means generating goods and services with lasting value.

“Productivity isn’t about how many tasks you complete or the number of hours you work. It is about the enduring value you create” (Schwartz, 2010). Based on the theory we always want a better and more productive way of work to get better results and be more recognized; in this review I will explain the importance and some of the factors concerned with the productivity on the labor sector and its relation with the home office work compared to the traditional office work.

Productivity, in very general terms, is the amount of output created -in terms of goods produced or services rendered- per unit input used, ie, it is the arithmetical ratio between the amount produced and the amount of resource used in the course of production: in general, these resources may include a measure of one or more of the use of people, materials, machines and land. (Davis & Ryna, 2013) Although productivity measurement is a multifactorial measurement, the labor productivity is measured using only one factor per time the ratio is calculated, and we will focus on define the key parameters to analyze and measure this productivity in order to make a useful comparison and support our final posture about the work done by home or by traditional office.

Productivity has a fundamental importance on the wealth society generation, as well as in the reach of sustained increases in income and welfare of the population. (INEGI, 2012) And Mexico doesn´t be back of this idea. The importance of measuring productivity in Mexico relates to the ability of making business, to get a better position on the national and international indicators and to have a satisfaction about what we are doing.

To provide the employers an easier way to work, with more facilities of transportation and less expenses on food and gas as well as provide facilities to the employer on terms of occupied space and rent payment, the home office is taking relevance on the companies way of working.

Home office is a way in which employees can develop their jobs without transporting themselves to the office, it is also called telework, because you are remotely inter connected to a server which enables you to interact with the enterprise system or in the easiest of the way to be connected to the web. The home officers could work by home as long as they make an arrange space with the basic needs to develop their job in an optimal way, without distractions.

Latin America is one of the regions where the telework has considerable increase on the last years (SoyEntrepreneur, 2012) According to a recent study done by Reuters, Mexico is the second place at global range, with a 30% increment after India. This study also says that the increase on the productivity is a consequence


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