- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tap Water

Enviado por   •  17 de Noviembre de 2014  •  391 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  186 Visitas

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Characteristics of tap water (the one we drink)

1. Cleaned of Harmful Contaminants

Including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, metals (mercury, lead, arsenic), chemicals, bacteria and more.

2. Replenished with Natural Minerals

Water filter systems remove these minerals from the water; therefore, re-mineralization is required to ensure the naturally occurring minerals are present. Drinking de-mineralized water can actually leach minerals from bones and teeth.

3. Alkaline pH Balanced

Ensures optimal health, water filter systems and contaminants typically leave the water acidic.

4. Great Natural Spring Water Taste

Great tasting water is fundamental to ensure proper hydration when water does not taste good alternative beverages are typically selected.

Tap water is relatively clean and filtered, and with added fluoride to strengthen your teeth from cavities. Too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is potentially fatal, but tap water itself is good for you.


Characteristics of tap water (the one we drink)

1. Cleaned of Harmful Contaminants

Including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, metals (mercury, lead, arsenic), chemicals, bacteria and more.

2. Replenished with Natural Minerals

Water filter systems remove these minerals from the water; therefore, re-mineralization is required to ensure the naturally occurring minerals are present. Drinking de-mineralized water can actually leach minerals from bones and teeth.

3. Alkaline pH Balanced

Ensures optimal health, water filter systems and contaminants typically leave the water acidic.

4. Great Natural Spring Water Taste

Great tasting water is fundamental to ensure proper hydration when water does not taste good alternative beverages are typically selected.

Tap water is relatively clean and filtered, and with added fluoride to strengthen your teeth from cavities. Too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is potentially fatal, but tap water itself is good for you.


Characteristics of tap water (the one we drink)

1. Cleaned of Harmful Contaminants

Including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, metals (mercury, lead, arsenic), chemicals, bacteria and more.

2. Replenished with Natural Minerals

Water filter systems remove these minerals from the water; therefore, re-mineralization is required to ensure the naturally occurring minerals are present. Drinking de-mineralized water can actually leach minerals from bones and teeth.

3. Alkaline pH Balanced

Ensures optimal health, water filter systems and contaminants typically leave the water acidic.

4. Great Natural Spring Water Taste

Great tasting water is fundamental to


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