7 quality tolos
Enviado por maik112 • 27 de Julio de 2013 • 392 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 290 Visitas
7 quality tolos
1.- Cause and effect: also time called “fishbone” a graphic tool that helps identify sort, ansd display posible causes of a problem or quality characteristic
Porpuse: is to act as a fish step n problem solving by generating a comprensive list of possible causes.
Helps determinate roots causes
Encourages group participation
Indicates possible causes of variation
2.-Histogram: are used to graphically summarize and display the distribution and variation of a process data set.
Porpuse: is to take data that is collected from a process and them display it graphically to view how the distribution of the data, centers it self aroud the mean or main specification; the histogram will graphically show
Center data
They spread of the data
The precense of multiple models within the data
3.- Check Sheet: is a form used to collect data in real time at the action where the data is generate. The data is captures can be quatitative or qualitative.
Porpuse: is to achieve and maintain process stablitity, defined3 as a s3tate in wich a process has displayed a certain
Clearly identify, what is being doseived
Keep the data collection process as easy as possible
Group the data
Easy to use.
4.- pareto: bar chart arraged in descending order of height from left to right, aseries of bars whorse heights reflect the frecuency or impact of prblms
Porpuse: is to prioritate problems to decide what problems most be addressed
Bracks big problem in to smaller places
Indentifies most significant factor
Shows where to focus efforts
5. control chart: use to disgusting between variation in a process resulting from common causes and variation resulting from special causes.
Porpuse is to achieve and maintain process stability
Monitos process variation over time
Differentiation between special causes and commun cause variation
6.- Flow Chart: analyzing relationchio between two variables, one variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the other is plotted on the vertical axis. The patten of their intersecting points can graphically shows relationship porrerns.
Porpuse: is to help to access wel the flow of data in an organization.
Promote process understanding
Provide tool for traving
Identify problem arear and improvenment.
7.- scaltter diagram: analyzing relationship between two variable one variable is plotted on the horizontal axis adnd the other is plotted on the vertical axis. The pattern of their intersecting points can graphically show relationship patherns
Porsuse: is to show the type of relationship or