- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  24 de Octubre de 2015  •  Tarea  •  272 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  462 Visitas

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Instructions: Read this text about Robert Macguire´s daily routine.

Robert´s routine

My routine

Robert wakes up at six o´ clock

I wake up at quarter to seven

He gets up at ten past to six

I get up at twelve to seven

He takes a shower at twenty past to six

I take a shower at ten to seven

He gets dressed at half past to six

I dress up at five to seven

He´s breakfast at seven o´ clock

I have breakfast at seven o´clock

He reads newspaper until at half pas to seven

I brush my teeth at five past seven

He doesn’t drive to work at eight o´ clock

I leave home at ten past seven

He gets on the bus stop at half past to eight

I go to school at twelve past seven

He rides it to University Avenue at twenty past to eight

I arrive school at eighteen past seven

He gets off twenty five past to eight

I start classes at half past seven

He walks to his office at half past to eight

I have a brake at  ten o´clock

He has lunch at one o´ clock

I arrive home at  ten past one

He works until four o´ clock

I take a lunch half past two

He doesn’t go home after work at twenty past to four

I do my homework at quarter past three

He usually plays tennis with friends at half past four

I watch T.V at half past five

He goes home at half past six

I do exercise at  seven o´clock

He talks a shower and has supper eight o´ clock

I take dinner at  eigth o´clock

He watches T.V until at  ten o´ clock

I go to bed at  nine o´clock

He goes to bed at half past to ten




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