- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Actividad integradora de Inglés.

Enviado por   •  16 de Noviembre de 2015  •  Tarea  •  367 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  769 Visitas

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Team: _______________             Group:__124__                        Date:13/11/15_________

#1-Acosta Lugo Tiffany Lizbeth                            matricula: 1806596

#2- Aguilar González Miguel Ángel                     matricula: 1806122

#8- De la Cruz cruz Jorge Alberto                        matricula: 1816056

#32- Rojas Pacheco Jahaira Judith                     matricula: 1807110

#43 Norma Stefania Uvalle Hernández                      Matricula: 1813428

Integrants: Instructions: According to the documentary that you saw in class “Super Size Me” discuss and answer the following questions about Spurlock.

  1. What would happen to the person in the documentary if he continues eating at the fast food restaurant for 30 days?
    R= continued fattening.
  2. Do you think fast food is bad for your health? Why?
    R= Yes, for high fat.

  1. Do you think fast food alters your weight? How?
    R= Yes, not being healthy
  2. Is your health in danger if you undergo this experiment? Why?
    R= not because it is for their own good
  3. Identify what happened to Spurlock in Day 2.
    R= Eat first Super Size size, it takes about an hour to eat. The experience was increasing his stomach during the process, culminating in Spurlock vomiting on the way back home.
  4. You are Spurlock, how do you solve this problem that happened to him in day 2?
    R= healthy eating
  5. What are the possible negative effects (physical and mental) on Spurlock’s health?
    R= rapid fatigue and eating disorders


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