Enviado por • 26 de Abril de 2014 • 314 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 186 Visitas
To lie down, to go to bed – acostarse
To shave oneself – afeitarse
To get ready – areglarse
To bate oneself – bañarse
To wake up – Despertar
To shower oneself – ducharse
to brush ones teeth – lavarse los dientes
to get up – levantarse
to comb oneself – peinarse
to put on clothes – ponerse la ropa
have break fast – desayunar
tidy my room – ordenar mi habitacion
go to school – ir al colegio
Do the cooking – cocinar
Have lunch – almorzar
Do the washing up – lavar los platos
Do my home work – hacer los deberes
Go out, go for a walk – salir, ir de paseo
Watch tv – ver tele
Go to bed – ir a la cama
Entre semana
At six o'clock I wake up
at six fifteen I'm taking a shower
to six twenty-five I wear clothes
at six thirty under the fourth
to six thirty-five breakfast
six forty to brush my teeth
at seven I go to study
seven and a half to twelve study
I got home at twelve forty-five
at one o'clock lunch
ten past one to brush my teeth
quarter past one to wash the dishes
at one-twenty to three thirty sleep
the three forty-five I shower
at four o'clock I do my homework
at seven thirty eat
at seven forty I keep doing my homework
at ten o'clock I go to bed to sleep
Fin de semana
At ten o'clock I wake
at ten-thirty breakfast
to ten thirty-five brush my teeth
at ten forty toilet and do I organize my room
at twelve o'clock I cook with my mom
the two lunch
two fifteen to brush my teeth
at half past two I shower
to two forty clothes I wear
at half past three I play football until five o'clock
at half past five break
I shower at seven
at seven-thirty I wear clothes
eat at eight ....
quarter past eight to brush my teeth
at twenty past eight I go out to walk or ride
at eleven or twelve I lay me down to sleep