Analysis of variance
Enviado por nnee • 14 de Mayo de 2015 • 811 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 157 Visitas
Analysis of variance
Analysis of variance, ANOVA, is a method of comparing means based on variations
from the mean. We begin by doing ANOVA the traditional way, but we will see that it is
a special form of the linear model discussed in the previous chapter. As such, it can be
approached in a unified way, with much of the previous work being applicable
11.1 One-way ANOVA
A one-way analysis of variance is a generalization of the t-test for two independent
samples, allowing us to compare means for several independent samples. Suppose we
have k populations of interest. From each we take a random sample. These samples are
independent if the knowledge of one sample does not effect the distribution of another.
Notationally, for the ith sample, let designate the sample values.
The one-way analysis of variance applies to normally distributed populations. Suppose
the mean of the ith population is μi and its standard deviation is σi. We use a σ if these are
all equivalent. A statistical model for the data with common standard deviation is
where the error terms, εij, are independent with Normal(0, σ) distribution.
Example 11.1: Number of calories consumed by month Consider 15 subjects split
at random into three groups. Each group is assigned a month. For each group we record
the number of calories consumed on a randomly chosen day. Figure 11.1 shows the data.
We assume that the amounts consumed are normally distributed with common variance
but perhaps different means. From the figure, we see that there appears to be more
clustering around the means for each month than around the grand mean or mean for all
the data. This would indicate that the means may be different. Perhaps more calories are
consumed in the winter?
The goal of one-way analysis of variance is to decide whether the difference in the
sample means is indicative of a difference in the population means of each sample or is
attributable to sampling variation
This problem is approached as a significance test. Let the hypotheses be
H0: μ1=μ2=…=μk, HA: μi≠μj for at least one pair i and j.
A test statistic is formulated that compares the variations within a single group to
those among the groups.
Let be the grand mean, or mean of all the data, and the mean for the ith sample.
Then the total sum of squares is given by
Formula suma de cuadrados totales: sum(i)sum(j)[(yij-m(y..)}^2
This measures the amount of variation from the center of all the data.
An analysis of variance breaks this up into two sums:
: sum(i)sum(j)[(yij-m(y..)}^2=: n* sum(i)[(m(yi.-m(y..)}^2+: sum(i)sum(j)[(yij-m(yi.)}^2
Ver table Anova para el calculo del estadigrafo de prueba Fc o F.observado o Fo
Example 11.2: Number of calories consumed by month, continued The one-way
test can be applied to the example on caloric intake. The two sums can be calculated
directly as follows:
> may=c(2166, 1568, 2233, 1882, 2019)