Enviado por luifer • 23 de Julio de 2015 • Tarea • 304 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 132 Visitas
Good morning to everyone as some of you know I am the informatics department chief of IHCAFE, before to start I am going to talk a little about this department, it has the mission to generate, implement, maintain and update plans to improve the administrative computer operation and service of IHCAFE. Manage, implement, coordinate and monitor all activities required to support the integration and efficient use of computing resources of the institution.
The informatics Department during the course of the last two years has been developing a series of projects and activities, in order to make better internal and external procedures of IHCAFE by strengthening the resources and the technologic platform.
Right now two important project are being realized:
The first one is with the help of a company called Aurora Portal, Aurora Portal is a business process management vendor, and the idea is to integrate all the computational processes like administrative processes, client information, operative processes, etc. in just one platform all this in five parts:
Modernize, simulate, execute, monitor and optimize, with the end to improve the performance of these processes
The second one is about to create another data center in a different geographical place, right now IHCAFE has only one main data center, this mean that all the digital information needed by IHCAFE it’s in the same place and the problem is that if a serious fault faults like:
Irreversible damage to the hardware of a computer or server, Earthquakes, Fire, Terrorism, Electricity Damage, Hacking or Stolen Information Etc. Occurs in the main data center probably the operations in IHCAFE will need to be stopped
So to avoid this risk is needed to make another data center in a different geographical place, this data center will count with the same computer equipment and the same information, for that is also called a replica