- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Caracteristicas de ingles

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MAGAZINE[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]

[pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]




Future simple with “will” to express a voluntary action

We use will to express a voluntary action. It means that we offer to do something or someone else voluntary.

Examples: Will you send me an e-mail tomorrow? – Of course, I will. I know it’s important to you


Be going to

GRAMAR FOCUS- “Going to” for Future plans 

We use “going to” when we want to talk about plans for the future and predictions with evidence.

Examples: - What are you going to do this weekend? –I’m going to stay at home and study.

Are you going to study with Dan?  

 -No, I’m going to study  on my own

Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain soon.

We can replace “going to go” by “going”

Examples: -Where are you going tomorrow?

 -We’re going to the country

It’s going to be rainy in Leon.[pic 7]

It’s going to be sunny in Cancun.

[pic 8]

It’s going to be fuggy in Portland.

[pic 9]

It’s going to be partly sunny in Miami.

[pic 10]

It’s going to be cloudy in Boston.

[pic 11][pic 12]

It’s going to be fuggy in Cold Bay.

[pic 13]

It’s going to be rainy in Barcelona.

[pic 14]

It’s going to be snowy in New York.

[pic 15]

It’s going to be cloudy in London

[pic 16]

It’s going to be scattered showers in Mexico.

[pic 17]


Be –going-to

GRAMMAR FOCUS-“Going To” –Predictions Based on Evidence

We use “going to” when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now.


*Do you think it’s going to be sunny today?

*I don’t think so. Look at those dark clouds. I think it’s going to rain soon.

* Is it going to be stormy tonight?

*I don’t think so.

I am going to study to be a great accountant.

[pic 18]

next week I will going to lunch with my boyfriend

[pic 19]

When you have a good job I 'm going to buy a big house.

[pic 20]

I 'm going to marry someone who has a good future.

[pic 21]

When you already have a stable life with my husband I going to l have three children.

[pic 22]

I going to concerts by groups and singers that I like.

[pic 23]

At last I 'm going to Brazil and all conocere.

[pic 24]

I will pay a trip to my parents for them to leave for vacation

[pic 25]

When finished preparatory I 'm going to buy a car.

[pic 26]

I will share with others a little of what I have.

[pic 27]

I going to be very happy with how little or much you can accomplish in my life.

[pic 28]

Again I 'm going to grow my hair to donate.

[pic 29]


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