- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Causes Of Divorce

Enviado por   •  2 de Diciembre de 2013  •  278 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  289 Visitas

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Know it is the stress? Stress is the external pressure that causes internal tension. Stress affects most people in some way. Stress leads to rapid changes throughout the body and mind. Stress can become physical symptoms (tired), unable to concentrate clearly (tension) and illnesses (sick). Factors that cause stress are Fatigue and overwork, environmental and financial problems.

Fatigue and overwork this kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard fatigue on your body. It can be caused by working too much or too much hard at your job, and losing a job. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage you time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation, because many people feel this is out of their control.

Environmental this is response to things around you cause stress, such as noise, crowding and pressure another things. When you afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you. Identifying these environmental stresses and learning to avoid them or deal with them will help lower your stress level.

Financial problems this is the number one source of stress these days. You and your family are not be able to do what you want to due to lack of money. Debts are piling up. Credit card payments, pending mortgage installments, rising costs of education, mounting expenditure or health concerns. There are some of the financial problems.

Stress can create many physical mental problems that interfere with our daily activities and relationships, how is fatigue overwork, environmental and financial problems. We can not avoid stress, but can learn to better manage and reduce harmful effects. Take positive steps to control stress.


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