Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios
Enviado por Oscar Lopez • 14 de Octubre de 2015 • Ensayo • 1.571 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 81 Visitas
Unit: | I | Environment: | Familiar and community | PRODUCT: | Representación de un diálogo | |||
Social Practice: | Comprender y expresar información sobre bienes y servicios | Specific Competency: | Dar y recibir información sobre la prestación de un servicio comunitario | Date: SEPT 2014 | Step of the Product: Prev. paso1 & 3 | |||
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | ||||||
Beingthroughthelanguage:Intervenir de modo pertinente en intercambios. Fomentar confianza en relaciones interpersonales. | ||||||||
Knowingaboutthelanguage: | Assessment | Resources | Knowingaboutthelanguage: Tema, propósito y destinatario. | Assessment | Resources | Knowingaboutthelanguage: | Assessment | Resources |
Doing with the language: | Doingwiththelanguage: Activar conocimientos previos.Aclarar significado de palabras.Predecir el sentido general. Distinguir la composición de expresiones.Identificar el uso de palabras que conectan ideas. Detectar palabras clave. Reconocer conductas de hablantes y oyentes que apoyan la construcción del significado. | Doing with the language: ** | ||||||
Introduction Lluvia de ideas: Países que hablan inglés en el mundo. | Introduction Participan en el juego llamado Numbersmirror: Los alumnos escuchan los números del 1 al 10 en desorden, debiendo representar la cifra con sus dedos o escribiendo el símbolo del número. | Introduction Los alumnos participan en una actividad denominada CrazyVowels. Los alumnos repiten y posteriormente identifican y pronuncian en inglés las letras: A, I, - E, I – O, U – U, A – U, E, etc. | ||||||
Development and interaction Los alumnos conocen las características de la asignatura. Nombre, No. hrs., etc. Conocen el propósito de la asignatura. Toman acuerdos respecto a la implementación de rutinas de comunicación en el aula a fin de que las clases sean conducidas principalmente en inglés. e.g. Put your hand up, stand up, thank you, sit down, let`s make teams, talk to your shoulder partner, do you know? Dou you understand? etc. Practican la pronunciación. Conocen el significado de las frases a través de imágenes y gestos. Practican de manera cotidiana las rutinas. | Checklist Los alumnos responden de manera no verbal a las indicaciones dadas por el docente. | Development and interaction Los alumnos responden la pregunta do you know what iscommunity service? A través de investigación o exposición del docente, los alumnos conocen a qué se refiere un servicio comunitario y/o cómo se manifiesta en los países de habla inglesa. En grupo comentan qué tipo de servicios comunitarios podrían llevarse a cabo en su comunidad. Comentan quién puede involucrarse en un servicio comunitario. Con ayuda de un cuadro de doble entrada, los alumnos elaboran un listado en español de servicios comunitarios. | Development and interaction Retoman el listado elaborado anteriormente y practican la forma de referirse a los servicios comunitarios en inglés. Repiten la pronunciación de las palabras y frases. Toman nota. Comentan: De los servicios comunitarios ya conocidos, ¿cuáles son los prioritarios? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué necesitaríamos saber en inglés para ponernos de acuerdo y llevar a cabo un servicio comunitario en la escuela/comunidad?
| |||||
Closure Retomar los acuerdos derivados de la sesión. | Closure Los alumnos vuelven a comentar qué es un servicio comunitario así como algunos ejemplos de los mismos. Los alumnos y el docente se comprometen a indagar otros servicios comunitarios . | Diario de aprendizaje | Closure | |||||
Achievements | Achievements | Achievements | ||||||
Distingue expresiones en intercambios orales. Reconoce la composición de Expresiones en intercambios orales. Produce expresiones para dar información. | • Identifica tema, propósito y destinatario. |
Unit: | IV | Environment: | Familiar and community | PRODUCT: | INTERVIEW | |||
Social Practice: | Understand and produce oral exchanges related to leisure situations | Specific Competency: | Exchange likes and dislikes in a dialogue | Date: Aug – sept 2014 | ||||
Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | ||||||
Being through the language: Use language to Exchange common interests. Promote interpersonal relationships. | ||||||||
Knowing about the language: Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language. | Evaluation | Resources | Knowing about the language: Write sentences. Organize sentences in a sequence. | Evaluation | Resources | Knowing about the language: Question tags | Evaluation | Resources |
Doing with the language:Write sentences. Organize sentences in a sequence. Practice and follow rhythm, speed and pronunciation. | Doing with the language:Include details in main ideas. Express points of view in favour and against. | Doing with the language:Use linguistic resources to confirm comprehension. | ||||||
Introduction Warm up. By using mime, some students will perform certain activities. The rest will have to guess the activity being represented. | Introduction Warm up. Ss receive a piece of paper with a question in it. Ask this question to three different classmates in the classroom. (Do you like…?) | Cards with questions | Introduction Warm up. Ss participate in the activity: Stand up the people who like… / don’t like | |||||
Development and interaction With the technique called the centipede, students form 4-person teams. In class Ss practice the phrase Do you like… playing videogames? As well as the types of answers. Ss participate in an activity called Building phrases. Student A will say Do you like… Student B will complete with leisure activity Playing videogames? … andSs C and D will answer the questions. Ss change roles. Individually, Students write some questions. Ss practice intonation of the questions as well as adding clarifying expressions such as Really? Do you? Do you like dancing?! | Obs. guide | Word cards Posters Sample questions | Development and interaction Ss Listen and repeat the intonation and pronunciation of the questions: What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do on Fridays? / Weekends? / Holidays? Students write or copy 4 different questions. In concentric circles they ask one different question to three classmates. Ss change roles. Encourage Ss to use expressions such as: Ok, really?, That’s great!, It’s a shame… etc. Ss. | Check list (Questions I can ask) Obs. Guide | Word cards or posters Written questions | Development and interaction Ss practice the pronunciation and intonation of sentences like: You like playing football, don’t you? You don’t like studying on Friday, do you? Ss identify the way to answer this type of expressions using to clarify info. In pairs, Ss practice the sentences. Students write some sentences using these two question tags. Ss join another pair and practice the questions. In a comparative chart, Ss write some questions. | Check list (Questions I can ask) Obs. Guide | Word cards Comparative chart |
Closure In teams, Ss interview some of their classmates. Ss write the answers in a chart. | Check list / Observation *Portfolio | Charts | Closure Ss participate in a game called Find Someone Who likes… Ss use specific questions to find Sb who likes to do a specific leisure activity. | Find sb who chart. | Questions in a piece o paper | Closure Ss participate in a game called: Tell your friends e.g. You like dancing, don’t you? Ss comment what these expressions are used for. | Self evaluation chart | |
Achievements | Achievements | Achievements | ||||||
Writes sentences | Formulates questions | Requests clarifications |