- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Critical Report

Enviado por   •  20 de Agosto de 2015  •  Tarea  •  345 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  88 Visitas

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Critical Report

After answering the surveys, I have a few suggestions in how they can improve their questionnaires.

Survey  “Consumo Responsable”:

Me as a member of the populations which is answering this survey think that the number of questions was accurate and the structure of each question had clarity, but I did feel a little “under the spotlight” when they asked about my alcohol consumption. I did answer with truth because I have nothing to hide but even if they had assured anonymity maybe some other people didn’t felt comfortable answering the questions as I did. ( That was one of the don’ts)

Also in the implicit question about my status, I don’t think is necessary to make that question implicit, because at first I couldn’t make sense of the survey, it confused me a little that they were talking about energy, later I understood the purpose of the question.

I did like the simple language and thought that the question flow was satisfactory.

Survey “Forma de Disfrutar tiempo libre”:

On this survey, I thought it was better than the previous one because I felt a little more involved in it even though the first 7 questions were exactly the same. The clarity and ambiguity of the questions were adequate, as the simple language and question flow; they did have a continuous line, which helped to answer the questions.

I felt more involved in this one because it tested my knowledge and asked about the things that I like and where I like to go, instead of assuming that I drink and need someone to drive for me.

Also what I found about this survey was that, yes I did answer the questions, but also I got interested in the product they are offering, in the events and ideas they have, I would like to know if you have to become a member or its just a community. I just realized that if the survey is done in the right way, with clarity, simple language and an accurate question flow, you could persuade the targeted population into your product or service.


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