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Critical review the duff/love rosie.

Enviado por   •  22 de Marzo de 2017  •  Ensayo  •  336 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  125 Visitas

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Beatriz Andrea Olivas Campa


Mr. Glenn Ibarra

Literature III

Critical review: Love, Rosie / What if?

In this critical review, I will compare the movies "Love, Rosie" and "What if? ", which are both british movies and kind of have the same main idea about two best friends that fall in love with each other.

"Love, Rosie" is about 2 best friends, Rosie and Alex, that fall in love in their teenage dreams, even if they don't want to accept it. They move on and choose different ways because of the opportunities that life present to each one, but they always find their way back together. I think that this is a very good movie that will keep you entertained because of its interesting storyline, although it isn't very relatable. The movie is very funny and will make you laugh, but it can make you cry too.

"What if?" is about a guy named Wallace that has been disappointed by his past relationships, but one night at a party, he meets a girl named Chantry and they instantly become friends because of their chemistry. They are both confused because they are best friends, but feel like there is something more with their friendship. This movie is great if you want to laugh, although it is kind of awkward. The storyline is entertaining and more relatable than "Love, Rosie". I find Wallace and Chantry's relationship very cute, but also very stressful.

My conclusion is that these 2 british movies are very good, funny, romantic and even though one of them is more relatable than the other, they are both very interesting and entertaining. I personally liked "Love, Rosie" better than "What if?" because I found it more interesting and even though Wallace and Chantry's relationship is very cute, I feel like Rosie and Alex had more chemistry and were meant to be together because of their unconditional love they had for each other. I recommend that you watch both movies and analyze them so that you can form an opinion on them.


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