Enviado por dariolobo • 22 de Febrero de 2015 • 337 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 205 Visitas
Deforestation rhythms afflicting our country are alarming. The accelerated destruction of forests has been placed in a state of emergency to a variety of flora and fauna that depend on that ecosystem. Among these species is find the human.
Our forests vanish and with them all the species that inhabit them. The rate of deforestation suffering Mexico is one of the busiest in the world: according to the Institute of Geography of the UNAM, every year we lose 500 000 hectares of forests. That puts at risk of extinction to a variety of plants and animals, as well as many communities throughout generations found in this ecosystem a livelihood, to the extent that they have learned to use it without destroying it. This also puts us in fifth place in global deforestation.
Mexico is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and much of this biodiversity depends on the forests. This natural wealth has had an expression in the cultural field, where many cultures have created forms social, cultural and artistic around this ecosystem forms. Today, it is at risk.
Deforestation leads to a drastic reduction in water supply at local and national level. Also breaks the climate balance to regional and even global level, exacerbating the threat of global climate change.
In Mexico, the main cause of deforestation is the change in land use to convert forests to fields. This practice has been encouraged by all levels of government, who have only seen the forests and jungles as vacant land, unable to understand neither its many benefits nor its vital character. A series of perverse incentives provided by the government has led people to cut their forests in exchange for economic resources.
Another factor that threatens forests is illegal logging, is a serious problem in our country as it is estimated that 70% of the market national of wood is illegally sourced
Despite this, Greenpeace believes that we are in time to stop this predatory climbing and ensure the survival of our forests and jungles.