Don Вosco y su Oratorio de la habilidad
Enviado por JimNando • 2 de Febrero de 2012 • Informe • 1.374 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 625 Visitas
Don Bosco and his family
The 9th year dream
Don Bosco and his Oratory
System Preventive
Urn: Don Bosco in Ecuador
Authors: Fernando Jiménez
Diego Morán
Jesús Chicaiza
Juan Bosco was born on home farmer of Italia in 1815. Thanks to the intuition of the mother and her supported unconditional, he began the priest, but the limitation the money of his family and the social-crisis and economy of his environment.
Don Bosco by the boys add his initiatives, tried in to help the needed of young people, find with the youth of jails... and with actions.
In the poor place of his childhood an original creation educative, the oratory, a space of education for hey, to way of parish youthful, of schools and workshops, the place of creations and of refuge. They will have the “home” of that not had and one training human and spiritual for enter in the world of the work.
Chapter 1
Don Bosco and his family
John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815. His mother was Margaret Occhiena, and his father, Francis Bosco.
Margaret was 29, when her husband died and Don Bosco just two. Very young yet for the weight that must sustained. But not many days used to pity her self. She began to work!
Like other peasant, mowing, plowing, sowing, reaping wheat, bundling, and threshing. Digging the vines, she thought the in the vintage and in the racking of the wine.
His hands rough buy the job and knew gently caress their children.
Because, indeed was, a worker but above all was the mother of his children.
Whit firmness and gently knew bring them forward.
Mom Margarita found itself instinctive balance that made him join and alternate the firmness with quiet joy. Don Bosco, in an educational style owes much to his mother.
Chapter 2
A dream which marked the future
At age nine, Don Bosco had a dream that was deeply engraved in his mind for his whole life. In the dream beside his home, in a landscape quite spacious, where he met many pretty boys played and cursing. Don Bosco tried to stop his insults with hits.
At that time appeared a man very respectable, nobly dressed. His face was so bright that he could not fix on the eyes. He called him by name and said:
"Not with blows but with gentleness and charity must win over these your friends. Put, therefore, now to teach them the happiness of the sin and the beauty of virtue. "
Dazed and frightened, said he was a poor boy and ignorant.
At that time, the boys stopped fighting and swearing in the south and surrounded the speaker. Hardly knowing what he said.
Then Don Bosco said:
Who are you for sending me this impossible?
Precisely because this seems impossible, you make it possible to obedience and the acquisition of science.
How can I acquire the science?
I will give you the Teacher, under whose discipline you can become wise
But who are you?
I am the Son of those, whom your mother accustomed to greet three times a day. My name just asks my mother.
At that moment he saw beside him, a lady of aspect majestic, dressed in a robe that shone like the sun. Seeing at Don Bosco increasingly embarrassed, told him to approach her, taking her hand kindly said:
Look!, And looking, he realized that those boys had escaped, and instead saw a crowd of kids, dogs, cats, bears and various other animals.
In this moment he said:
Here is your field; here is where you will work. Become humble, strong and robust, and what you see happening right now with these animals, you have to do with my children.
He then looked up and, instead of wild animals; appeared many meek lambs appeared that partying the man and lady were jumping and dancing around.
At that time, always in a dream, he began to cry. Asked the lady to speak so that I could understand, it could not understand what I wanted to represent all.
Then she put her hand on his head and said:
In time all will understand
That said, a noise woke him up and vision vanished. It was very confused. He thought that he had broken hands punches he had given, and face hurt by the blows received.