Dreams and Nightmares
Enviado por jessiaaa • 16 de Septiembre de 2014 • 622 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 254 Visitas
Dreams and Nightmares
The topics that I have chosen are dreams and nightmares. I found it very interesting because there is not person in the world who has never had a dream or a nightmare.There are symbols found in the human unconscious that mean similar things to all of us. By understanding these symbols, it is possible to analyze our dreams and to learn from them. Our life experiences influence our interpretation of these symbols and as a result each person's dream is unique to them and can only be truly understood by them. It is said that dreams can be caused by a lot of different factors, such as eating something difficult to digest before bed that in dreams could be revealed as meaningless images,in other instances the flu can cause dreams to become fragmented visions caused from a sick body trying to heal itself. Although these pictures mean nothing to us logically,but our body is trying to beware. In still other instances dreams can depict emotional struggles.Dreams have also been described as prophetic or precognitive, actually depicting an event, which has not yet occurred in our time. People have been shocked into belief when they themselves have suddenly experienced a personal precognitive dream.These dreams usually occur to warn of impending illness or accidents.
So dreams can significate a lot of things for us.We can go through life ignoring them, or we can pay attention to them, take advantage and learn from them.
Nightmares can cause terror in children and adults. In some cases the same scene occurs over and over never giving the dreamer any relief or a chance to rest.Many children go through times in their development when nightmares can become a real problem. Sometimes, even for adults, nightmares become so intense they believe they are interacting with evil from outside themselves.The best advice to give someone struggling with nightmares is to tell them to get a hold of their thoughts! Fear and panic are the worst enemies in dealing with nightmares.There are different ways of dealing with nightmares when they are occurring. It is important for the individual to become conscious of the fact that they are dreaming. If the person can calm themselves down enough, they can become conscious of the fact that they are dreaming. At this point if they are religious they can pray to God for guidance. If not they can think of pleasant peaceful thoughts.It is often easier for individuals who meditate or pray on a regular basis because a peaceful connection can be made quickly in their dreams.Nightmares can also signify deeply rooted psychological problems. Individuals who have been abused as children will suppress memories at the time of the abuse only to dream of them years later.Children have a difficult time with nightmares because they have trouble differentiating between dreams and reality. With children it is necessary to sometimes be creative in helping them to deal with their nightmares.There is an