- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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  1. Elegir 02 compañías de cualquier rubro que sean reconocidas a nivel mundial.

Colocar en 2 cuadros toda la información concerniente a estas empresas. Indica de manera clara y ordenada toda la información acerca de las mismas (Company name, nationality, product or service that they offer, Headquarters, number of branches, annual sales, etc.) Elaborar el perfil (detallar el nombre comercial, nacionalidad, producto o servicio que ofrecen, ubicación de la sede central, sucursales, porcentaje de ventas ,etc)

Puede incluir imagen o logotipo de las compañías.

Finalmente escribir oraciones o párrafos utilizando la información contenida en los cuadros.

Redactar de manera sencilla, ordenada y coherente los párrafos. Puede obtener información de cualquier fuente ,pero los párrafos deben ser redactados solo por ud.

  1. Realizar un brainstorming para recordar términos usados en los negocios.

Recopilar información interesante para comenzar con la redacción.

Crear un dialogo con un colega quien sostendrá una reunión de negocios con empresarios extranjeros. La finalidad es que se prepare antes de viajar.Debe detallar sobre las costumbres y forma de realizar y cerrar negocios en diferentes países ( elegir por lo menos 03 países)

Al redactar los párrafos (oraciones afirmativas, negativas o preguntas debe utilizar los tiempos gramaticales adecuadamente)

Recuerde que es un dialogo, no una entrevista. La conversación debe ser fluida y dinámic


  • On March 1st, 1938. President founder Byung-Chull Lee started a business in Daegu, Korea, originally focused on exportation, selling dehydrated Korean fish, fruits and veggies to Manchuria and Beijing. Starting there, Samsung will finally become in the modern global Company that maintains the same name until now. 

[pic 1]

  • Samsung has a simple business philosophy: focus our talent to create products and develop services that contribute to a better society globally. To do so, Samsung gives a great value to its employees and technologies.


  • Samsung practices environmental responsibility in all their operations to the benefit of the global community.
  • Taking advantage of processes and ecologic technologies, Samsung shares their vision of ecologic management with their employees and clients.
  • Samsung seeks to address the necessity of increase the life expectancy with the support of IT.

[pic 2]

  • Some of the products that the company offers include home appliances such as TVs, LCD monitors, printers, refrigerators and washing machines. Also offers important telecommunication products such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets.
  • It has more than 200 subsidiaries all over the world.
  • Thanks to its success in the electronic line of products, Samsung has been acknowledged worldwide as a leader in the industry and now it has a spot on the top ten list of the main worldwide brands.

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LG has four business units: home entertainment, mobile communications, home appliances and air conditioning, vehicle components. Also is the main manufacture of flat screen TVs, mobile devices, air conditioning systems, washing machines and refrigerator. Moreover, LG Electronics is one of awarded companies with price “Partner of the year” by the Energy Star Program in 2014.


LG Twin Tower 128, Yeoui-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

  • LG Electronics was created in 1958 and since then it has been leader of the digital era thanks to its technologic experience acquired from manufacture different home appliances such as TVs and radios.
  • LG Electronics has a fundamental role in international markets because of its global business policy, with a total of 83000 employees that work in 119 offices all around the world.
  • Letters L and G inside of a circle represent the world, the future, the youth, humanity and technology. Our philosophy is based in humanity. [pic 6]

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  • Samsung dedicate its resources and technologies to create better products and services to contribute to a better worldwide society.
  • The company thinks that the ethic isn’t only a tool of the business but also helps to build trust between clients, shareholders, employees, partners and local communities with the goal of becoming in one of the most ethic companies in the world.
  • Samsung takes care of the environment in all their business activities, for example: they promote the effective use of resources by recycling.
  • Since it was created in Suwon , Korea 1969 , Samsung Electronics has grown to become one of the leaders in information technology of the world.

  • LG is trying to become in a global leader by searching more public benefits cemented in cooperation, mutual trust and respect for free market economy.
  • Nowadays LG continues to strengthen its position as an international Company. LG Electronics has launched new products and has applied new technologies on their smartphones and Smart TVs.
  • The brand tries to offer a better and happy life.
  • To accomplish their goals, the Company trains their employees and keeps their technological knowledge up to date.


Martha : Hi Susana, how are you?

Susana : Fine , I’m finishing packing for my trip.

Martha: When are you travelling to Mexico?

Susana : The second week of June .

Martha : Is your flight departing al 8:30pm from Peru, as you said.

Susana : Yes, i wanted to ask you a couple questions since you’ve already travelled to Japan and Mexico to make businesses.

Martha : yes, What is your question?


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