- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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This compilation of English – Spanish Special Education Terminology is designed to assist:

• native speakers of Spanish who are interpreting for all of those involved with

non-English speaking students of Special Education, and their parents.

• Special Education professionals with little or extensive knowledge of Spanish.

• current students of the Spanish language, wishing to expand their vocabulary in

the field of Special Education.

Words, phrases and acronyms are arranged alphabetically in English, with occasional complete

sentences, clarifying meaning and illustrating syntax. The gender of each noun is indicated after

the Spanish word, with either an (f.) for a feminine noun, or an (m.) for a masculine noun.

Adjectives will show both the feminine and masculine form (if applicable). As Spanish tends to

vary from country to country, an attempt has been made to offer the most predominant

translation. Occasionally, more than one translation is offered.


ability - habilidad (f.)

abnormality - anormalidad (f.)

above average - arriba del promedio

absences - ausencias (f.)

abstract reasoning - razonamiento abstracto (m.)

accelerated - avanzado/a

accident - acidente (m.)

accommodation - arreglos (m.)

accuracy - exactitud (f.)

achievement - logro (m.)

acquisition - aprendizaje (m.); adquisición (f.)

adaptive behavior - conducta adaptiva (f.)

adaptive skills - habilidades de adaptación (f.)

adjustment - ajuste (m.)

The first few months of school will be a big adjustment.

Los primeros meses en la escuela serán un gran ajuste.

administrator - administrador/a

adolescence - adolescencia (f.)

Adult Education - educación para adultos (f.)

advanced - avanzado/a

advisory opinión - opinión consultiva(f.)

advocate - persona que aboga; asesor legal

affective behavior - conducta afectiva (f.)

afraid - asustado/a

age norm - norma de edad (f.)

agency - agencia (f.)

agility - agilidad (f.)

aides - ayudantes

We will have two aides in the classroom with your son.

Tendremos dos ayudantes en el salón de clase con su hijo.

analysis - análisis (m.)

annual goal (AG) - meta anual (f.)

annual review - revisión anual (f.)

anxiety - ansiedad (f.)

appointment - cita (f.)

Please call the school if you are unable to keep your appointment.

Favor de llamar la escuela si usted no puede mantener su cita.

approach - enfoque (m.)

aptitude - aptitud (f.)

articulation - articulación (f.)

assessment - evaluación (f.)


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