- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

“Educamos con calidad y calidez para construir proyectos de vida”

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“Educamos con calidad y calidez para construir proyectos de vida”


Name: Karol Ochog                                    Signature:

Class: 9° “B”

Date: October, Wednesday 12th, 2015  

Theme: Presentation of my family

-Introduce yourself and the members of your family.
-Describe their personalities, routines and free time activities.
-Use the pictures and objects you pasted to guide your oral presentation. Don’t read!

-Hi! My name is Karol. I’m 13 years old. I’m like to eat soup of chicken, but don’t like cream de tomatoes. I’m like to draw in the school. I’m noisy, shy, fun, nervous and tall.
                                     [pic 1]

-My mother name’s Margot. She is 39 years old. She likes to drink juices of orange, but doesn’t like drink to soda. She is serious and chubby. Her activities favorite is relaxed in Sunday and Saturday.
[pic 2]

-My father name’s Jaime. He is 41 years old. He likes to work, but doesn’t like awake morning. He is serious, sporty and tall. His activities favorites are bring in the order in the house in every day.
                                   [pic 3]

-My brother name’s Omar. He is 16 years old. He likes to draw in the house, but doesn’t like play tennis. He is fun, shy, sporty, noisy and tall. His activities favorites are awake in afternoon in Sunday and Saturday.
                                  [pic 4]

- My cousin name’s Jose. He is 13 years old. He likes to become in temperate in the house, but doesn’t like play volleyball. He is fun, noisy, serious, lazy and short. His activities favorites are play soccer in stadium San Fernando de Guamaní.
[pic 5]


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